Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 07-13-2023

HOA Open Meeting 07-13-2023 3:00pm

Meeting conducted via teleconference (WebEx)

Directors Present: Chris Andre, Dave Quinsey, David Samo, Ed Wenz

FirstService Residential

Nadine Bell - Community Manager

HOA Lawyer, Carrie Heieck (Tinnelly Law)

Shannon Q, Social Commitee, 2nd Annual Ice Cream Social August 23, 2023. Vendors charge 3.75% fee to pay via the debit card. Can they pay with check? Nadine said to submit the information to her. Generally, it takes two weeks to issue a check.

2023/2024 Social Committee budget: She asked for a $1500 increase to $6000. Seven events next year. Vendors are now charging a service fee, and there has been an increase in food costs. They would like to rely less on sponsors, and this year they stayed within budget. Pacific Steel and Kyle Whissel sponsored them this year. They would like to add a Summer Movies in the Park next year.

Ed asked about attendance. She provided some numbers and said the events have been popular.

Shannon asked for the budget to be front loaded at the beginning of the year so that Social Committee members don’t have to use their own cards.

Nadine says the budget will be reviewed/approved at the August meeting.

Shannon would like to organize a neighborhood wide garage sale, at no cost to the HOA. It would be marketed through a real estate company, likely Kyle Whissel. She asked if garage sales were prohibited by the CC&Rs. Nadine said that in other communities it increases traffic and some of the people are a concern to other neighbors.

Ed asked if it is permissible. Ed said it was reviewed before and they were told it was not permissible. Ed doesn’t like the idea of it personally. Dave Q. said he couldn’t cite the exact rule but they aren’t permitted per the Governing Documents.

Ed reiterated the question, is it permissible, and do we want to do it? Shannon said they are only asking whether it’s allowed, and she asked for the citation.

Chris said that he didn’t see anything specifically prohibited. Chris said the issue may be the people coming to the community. Chris suggested maybe the park would be a good location. Ed said an event at the park would be reviewed by the City, and it would be out of their hands. Shannon said the City isn’t taking reservations for the park.

Chris asked if the committee had contributions for a newsletter that will be discussed later in this meeting.


Management Reports

Work Order Report

Landscape Walkthrough/Punchlist

Storm Water Inspection Reports

No discussion.


Homeowner said that she attended a meeting last year where a vendor would install a camera at the gate that would capture license plates. Nadine said that the topic of cameras is on the agenda. Chris asked her opinion. She said that she is in favor of cameras.


They asked Carrie her thoughts on cameras. She said members can legally install cameras. She said that the association installing cameras is a different topic that they might want to discuss privately. She said that the HOA is not responsible for security and they need to take care to avoid assuming responsibility, for example, using disclaimers.

Carrie said that she didn’t see anything in the rules prohibiting garage sales. Nadine asked if they would need additional insurance. They discussed the location. Chris interjected that it would be at the entrance, but he was talking about the security camera. Chris said that there is nothing that says they can’t provide security though the HOA isn’t required to maintain it. Carrie said they would need to discuss disclaimers and access to the footage. She mentioned liability if the cameras failed. She said normally homeowners would not get access to the video.


Approval of Minutes June 2023

Financial Statements

Approved unanimously without discussion.


O’Connell Controller Upgrade Proposal

Dave Q. said the upgrade to 4G will make them function as originally promised. $8,930 (the cost was muffled so it might not be accurate. Dave later mentioned it costs $9000)

3G is obsolete, 5G is not available.

Approved unanimously.

Shared Use Area

Northstar HOA still owes $5241.57. The HOA will submit it to Northstar for their review and acceptance.

Approved unanimously to submit it.

Block Wall Project Update

Ed asked if they got a revised quote from O’Connell. Nadine said, no.

BRM reduced their quote $5000, total $49,000.

Nadine said that Jack said they could have a revised quote next Thursday.


Trash Pick Up & Additional Trash Containers Discussion

BRM said they have the containers. Nadine asked if they have the three locations identified.

Ed said at the Calico/Sevilla location, the HOA controlled portion of homeowner property, would be the appropriate spot. Nadine said that the homeowner opposes it. Ed said it is far from the house. The homeowner was present at the meeting. She said that given the size of the container, it would on her property. The discussion was about putting it by the dog waste bag dispenser. Chris mentioned a location further down the hill (50-75 ft) that might have space for a trash can.

Ed said that this was the result of a complaint, so he asked where the trash is accumulating. Ed said he doesn’t want to offend the homeowner opposed to the trash can. The homeowner said they are throwing it over the side of the hill. Ed said that the can might prevent them from throwing the trash. The homeowner said people already hang out on the rocks and she has found drug paraphernalia. She doesn’t want to make it look like more of a hangout by providing the can.

Chris said definitely off of Castilla, by the mailboxes, at the cul-de-sac. Dave S. agreed.

Nadine asked if any of the directors would meet with BRM. Ed asked if they could simply use a map. Nadine agreed, if someone makes a map. Dave S. said that he would meet with them.

Nadine asked about adding a container to the pet waste station. Chris said it would fill up quickly.

The homeowner asked if they could affix one to the Stop sign. Generally, the directors agreed that they could not. They talked about affixing one to the fence. Ed reminded them that BRM already purchased the trash cans.

Trash can on Mariposa: Dave S. asked if it would attract people. Ed said he thought trash in that area started this topic. Dave S. said that security has been cracking down. He then showed the locations where trash is dropped. Dave S. said it was difficult to identify the best location there. Ed said it should be put where most of the trash is dropped. Dave S. said he’d ask the landscapers where they are picking up trash in that area.

Ed said that the HOA will need estimates for the foundations, if that wasn’t included. Nadie said the proposal included installations on flat dirt.

Break starting at 4:02 pm

Meeting resumed at 4:07 pm

Dave S. and Chris will meet with BRM to finalize locations: approved unanimously.

Flock Camera Discussion

Chris explained: Sparrow bundle 2 LPR at entry/exit $4750 per year, two year agreement. The cameras are on opposite sides of the street to capture traffic entering and exiting. Total $10,800. These are rental cameras. It can be canceled. Solar powered. The service includes maintenance, and vandalism (repair?). They still need to write up some rules for their use e.g. only police get access.

Ed asked how the police would determine who lives up here. Chris said that they don’t need that information, though residency may help rule out some suspects. Only the police would have the access and passwords, and that way a rogue director couldn’t use access. Ed wants the HOA to have “hands off.” Chris agreed.

Ed asked about Neighborhood Watch. Chris gave a brief summary of the prior efforts that faded.

Dave Q. suggested a discussion with the Sheriff.

Nadine said they will need to talk with the lawyer about policies and insurance.

Chris said security service and cameras will increase property values. Dave S. said the more security the better. He said the recent increase in security has helped.

Nadine reiterated that the HOA should avoid the appearance that they will take care of homeowners, in terms of security.


O’Connell Controller A Valve Replacement


Approved unanimously without discussion.

Newman CPA, PC 2022 Review and Taxes

Approved unanimously

Newman CPA, PC 2023 Preparation & Review Engagement


Approved unanimously without discussion

Reserve Study Approval

No action needed

Member Correspondence

Homeowner requested update on block wall project. Nadine will get back to her.

Association Newsletter Discussion

Chris wants it to be done so it can be mailed with the next assessment letter.

Next Board Meeting August 24, 2023 (per agenda, but not stated in the meeting)