HOA Response
The response from the HOA regarding their irrigation and the damage, "This item of correspondence will also be placed in the Homeowner Correspondence Section on Board of Directors May 15th.Open Meeting Agenda."
They provide no information. They put it on the agenda for the meeting one month from now, not tomorrow's meeting. Effectively, it's not on the agenda. When they get to the agenda item Homeowner Correspondence they don't cover anything I submit. In the meetings, President Scott Kiefner simply tells the other board members they should read the correspondence.
This is the usual game and part of the reason I bring up issues in the Homeowner Forum portion of the meeting. They wouldn't have Homeowner Forum, but the Open Meetings Act requires it. This helps give every homeowner the opportunity to know what's happening. And every homeowner is responsible, in part, for the actions of this HOA.
That's not to say they won't discuss it privately.Note that they say, "it will also be placed in the Homeowner Correspondence Section...Open Meeting Agenda."Someone slipped with copy/paste.They will likely discuss it as a legal matter in private session, which is appropriate, but there is no reason they can't explain what is being done with this and other issues.