Fire Danger Issues
Do you think we will be able to get in or out during a fire? This is the emergency access road connected to the end of Monticello Street.
Emergency Access Road below Monticello Street. 10-29-2023
Excerpt from CC&Rs requiring regular maintenance (trimming, irrigation, etc) along the road (arrows added by me).
CC&Rs Fuel Modification
The fire department says our community is shelter in place, meaning the community was designed to allow homeowners to stay home during a fire. Look at the photo below and decide if you trust them. The photo below shows the northern border of the community at Mirador Street. Most or all of the area to the right of the fence in the photo is not the responsibility of the HOA. The fire department schedules brush clearing inspections during the summer. I don’t think that they are thorough. This photo was taken 10-19-2023.
North side of Mirador Street, 10-19-2023