Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 4-18-2018
HOA Meeting Notes 4-18-2018
Directors Present: Chris Andre, Scott Kiefner, Dave Quinsey, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright
FirstService Residential, Richard Ford, Senior Community Manager
Homeowner thanked the board for the recent landscaping on Cala Lily.
Homeowner asked what is happening on Morella. HOA response: Speculation that someone may be doing some work with Lennar's consent. If someone builds a home they are subject to CC&Rs and Design Guidelines.
Homeowner asked if fences have to be stained? Homeowner said that nails from neighbor side are rusting through. HOA response: Homeowners are required to maintain fence. Ed said, that if one side isn't maintained it will warp and curve. He is dealing with a similar issue. He said that he maintains his side.
They discussed an issue that the homeowner brought up at the last meeting. Ford said that he received her photo about the trash being thrown over the fence. Homeowner said that he has stopped throwing rice over the fence.
Discussed Social Committee budget, the newsletter, and July 4 (yes, the development will be closed). Chris said that the fire issues were addressed in a previous newsletter despite comments to the contrary at the last meeting. The homeowner that had made that comment acknowledged that she might have overlooked it in the newsletter.
Homeowner addressed Ford's comments at the last meeting about the difficulties with enforcement. He asked if there were any enforcement authorities this HOA lacked compared to other HOAs. Ford couldn't cite any. Homeowner said that when Ford discussed the difficulties with enforcement, and suing to enforce, he failed to mention the risk of the HOA being sued for failing to ensure that homeowners comply with the rules.
Homeowner said that the HOA landscaper won't work on the slope easement area since Chris moved his fence over it, and the CC&Rs prohibit the homeowner from entering the area. It appears that prohibited plants such as fountain grass are spreading. Homeowner asked if the HOA is still paying to irrigate this area that is now inside of Chris' relocated fence. HOA response: Dave said, yes. The HOA has failed to correct the issue. Chris attends HOA legal strategy sessions because the board has failed to remove him. He learns, more than most, that homeowners don't need to follow the rules. HOA response: Chris said the homeowner doesn't know all the facts. Homeowner responded, "Enlighten me." Chris declined. The homeowner said that the HOA sends letters and call it enforcement.
Homeowner handed three sets of photos to the directors and to other meeting attendees to explain his frustration. He asked directors if they are going to restore the landscape on the upper slope. It is now native grasses and chaparral. HOA response: Scott said, he didn't know the plan for that landscape. Ed asked for clarification on the location. The homeowner asked how they can monitor if they don't know the plan. He said the dead Oak he reported in November is still dead. He added that these landscape issues continue though Chris talked about moving fences to raise property values. The HOA landscapes only what people see from the street, meanwhile views and property values are impacted.
Photos (above) from 2012 (left to right), Upper slope green, lower slope deteriorating (little Oak at far left, now dead, illustrates lack of progress); Tissue placed over sprinklers to prove that they weren't running when Property Manager insisted they were; The HOA landscaper retaliated by replacing dead plants with cactus. Homeowner then began attending HOA meetings hoping for change.
Today, 2018, there is widespread cactus next to the homeowner lot; the upper slope has gone to grass and chaparral.
Views today, 2018, from inside the home, of slope consisting of grass and chaparral, and the little dead Oak (red arrows).
NorthStar/Sky Ranch cost sharing budget: Northstar owed $446.60. Sandra of FirstService wants to address it before May because their HOA will have an annual meeting soon and their directors may change. Bill Turner, VP Client Accounting, is assisting Sky Ranch. They will attempt to schedule a meeting between NorthStar and Sky Ranch representatives, i.e. authorize finance committee headed by Dave Quinsey to work with NorthStar to schedule a meeting to address the cost sharing budget.
Security Cameras--Chris Andre
Outstanding question: Who monitors? Up to us. It can be set up so that no one in the HOA can access the recordings. If there was an incident FirstService would contact the monitoring company who would send the video to the police. Neither directors, FirstService, nor homeowners would not have access provided the HOA makes the agreement. In short, Chris said that there are ways to do it. Dave commented that another board could change the agreement. Tom asked about costs. Chris said, $100 per incident. Ongoing service--price not given. Install cost high-end estimate $50-60k: cameras, damage proof, license plate reader, poles etc. Scott says they replace cameras regularly at his business. Ed says he likes the security, but the price is high considering the level of security issues. Chris said packages have been stolen, paraphernalia left in public, Security has pushed out loiterers.
---There was a tangent where they discussed whether the City or Lennar should be contacted regarding malfunctioning street lights. Then they returned to security.---
Tom said it has improved. Bravo has done a good job. He favors looking into other things Bravo could do. Dave said the expense isn't justified.
The issue was tabled until there are security issues that justify the expense.
Security Patrol Request (procedure)
Bravo is finding issues. They contacted police who caught someone with paraphernalia. They come to the area 5 times per night. Those trips could include a homeowner's call if the HOA would give out the phone number and allow it. <Note: Calls to dispatch are considered requests for service.>
Sheriff is supportive of cameras, but they need requests for service for the statistic to be registered and be part of the analysis.
Issue: Should the HOA allow homeowners to call Bravo for incidents during times of service? Dave wants to avoid confusion of whether homeowners call Security or the Sheriff. Scott says the main issue seems to be package thefts during the day. Homeowner witnessed sex in a vehicle during the day <As I recall a homeowner interjected that observation>.
Ed sees additional security as more effective than cameras.
Again, on the topic of homeowners calling Bravo directly, Tom wants to know if the phone is answered 24/7 so they could advise a homeowner if the call is outside hours.
Homeowner correspondence
Monticello enhancement request. Landscape committee said that they will make a proposal.
Homeowner correspondence
Homeowners asking for specific plants and asked about the status of the fence. Tabled for clarification.
Revised guidelines submitted for Epsten Grinnell law firm. Bill Bud, the attorney, said that they couldn't review it in time for this meeting.
Homeowner requests closing the walkway and extending the fence on Brockway. Scott said that the area belongs to HOA. HOA can't tell the homeowners not to use our own trail. Capstone referenced by homeowner is on their own property. HOA has no authority to fix it.
Motion: Declining request to close gate, area will not be closed. Tom motion, Ed 2nd, approved unanimously.