Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 08-15-2018
HOA Meeting Notes 8-15-2018
Directors Present: Chris Andre, Dave Quinsey, Ed Wenz
Directors Absent: Scott Kiefner, Tom Wright
FirstService Residential, Richard Ford, Senior Community Manager
Landscape report was not done. Quinsey said they walked through. TVRI said there is a new manager on site.
Homeowner submitted plans and is awaiting a response.
Security issues, trash, street lights out, cars broken into. Some homeowners are getting mixed responses from the Sheriff's Department. Is there a way to get more definitive information from the Sheriff about how they will help us?
Directors and homeowner had a discussion about what is being done with security, and what was discussed in the past, e.g. cameras.
Rolls of straw wattles haven't been placed rolls Dracena and Claret as instructed. She has tripped on rocks that came down. Sidewalk is stained from the dirt or tree droppings that has run across the sidewalk. It looks terrible.
Quinsey said it is on the list for TVRI to address.
She said the street lights are out and it is very dark.
Quinsey said that Lennar is not very responsive, but they are aware.
Another homeowner said that she has written to Lennar about the Morella area. She received a response, but nothing changed, yet
Ed Wenz said he contacted the City about 10 lights that were out. They were repaired within two weeks, but soon malfunctioned again, so there may be a flaw. He said it appears lights may trigger their photo sensors too easily.
Ford said that to his knowledge Lennar is responsible for the street lights. He said there is attorney to attorney correspondence in Executive Session, scheduled after the Open Session, regarding the street lights. Ford said that Lennar knows and acknowledged that they are responsible.
Can we get a crosswalk from Dracena to the park? Drivers drive very fast down that hill.
HOA response: HOA doesn't have the authority to put in a crosswalk. Take it up with Lennar/City.
Homeowner/Social Committee thanked the board and said the Movie in the Park event was successful. She spoke to someone who works in the Sheriff's Department who said to avoid making frivolous calls.
Is the homeowner lot with trash on Bella Vista trash being addressed? HOA response: Yes.
Will homeowners be allowed to speak when the Design Guidelines revision is discussed at this meeting? Ford said yes. <Note: They did not open it for discussion.>
Homeowner said that much of the landscape is in bad shape, and photos were presented. He said that when the board decided to take some landscape areas off budget they should have had a discussion in the Open Meeting rather than operate in secrecy. CC&Rs mandate that HOA maintain all the property.
Dave and Chris denied that some areas are excluded and Dave said that he had read what the homeowner had written and didn't know where he got that information. Homeowner reminded Dave of the statements that he made in a previous meeting i.e. that he said they don't have budget for the slopes. Homeowner reminded Dave that during that meeting Tom Wright estimated, and TVRI manager (David Rodi) confirmed, that it would double the budget to take care of all of the property the way Lennar planted it.
Chris said that it may be a problem with the vendor. He asked about why the landscape committee wouldn't be aware. Homeowner said he has been complaining and providing photos since 2012. Homeowner said Chris talks about property values, but has no credibility on the matter as the landscape is decimated in places.
Homeowner asked how much TVRI reduced the cost to the HOA when slopes were taken off the budget. Dave Quinsey questioned the legitimacy of the question in Homeowner Forum. Homeowner said you can refuse to answer. He said he refused.
Homeowner asked how many employees the HOA has. Quinsey said that they don't have paid employees. The homeowner said that "Personnel Matters" is a frequent Executive Session agenda item, but the HOA has no personnel e.g. tax withholding, unemployment. The current Executive Session agenda includes seven "Personnel Matters" agenda items, but the HOA has no personnel. The HOA is in violation of the Open Meetings Act as agendas must be accurate and the law specifies a few topics that are appropriate for Executive Sessions, and everything else must be discussed in the Open Session. Ford said that FirstService software only allows a limited number of drop down box fields to create the Executive Session agenda and he chooses the closest topic even if it doesn't exactly reflect the subject matter. Homeowner says that inadequate software is not a reason to fail to comply with the law and topics such as defunding the slopes should be discussed in the Open Session. Matters appropriate to Open Session should not be disguised as other topics in the Executive Session.
Northstar and Sky Ranch Cost Sharing Budget: Northstar is concerned about being overcharged. They should only be charged for shared assets. There was discussion about what each HOA owes.
Unanimously passed motion regarding 2014-2015 revised figures.
Unanimously passed motion regarding reserve study ($500) that will separate costs to Sky Ranch and Northstar shared area.
Designed Guidelines revision: Ed said some late corrections were presented to the HOA and he asked how many changes would require a re-publication of the document. Ford recommended that they have the attorney make that determination. Ford said homeowners will also have to be notified again, depending on the attorney review of the next revision.
Ed said the attorneys got bogged down for 3-4 weeks with it and he wants to avoid that again.
Motion approved unanimously: Allow Ed to make changes, review by attorney, then vote at a future meeting.
Fence Maintenance Correspondence: Still need clarification about who is responsible for the fences at issue. Wenz and Kiefner to meet and research, and advise board at the next meeting. Motion approved unanimously.
Possible Post Office Box Relocation: Postmaster didn't meet with homeowner initially, until she contacted HQ. Only then did the Postmaster contact the homeowner. She said it needs to go to HOA to see if they can move it across the street. Postal Service will not install a concrete pad but they are willing to move it. Homeowner sent email correspondence to HOA. Ford recommends having the attorney review it for land use and other issues. Ford said they will need something in writing from the Postal Service rather than simply an email. For example, a letter from the Postal Service stating that they are willing to move the box.
Draft Annual Operating Budget. Approved unanimously. Effective October 1, new assessment $215
Homeowner Correspondence: A request to add fencing at Monticello and Brockway. It was unclear what they are requesting. A letter will be sent to the homeowner requesting additional information. This is the area that the Habitat Manager previously requested additional fencing.
The new FirstService Sky Ranch Community website is under construction.