Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 06-19-2019

HOA Meeting Notes 06-19-2019

Directors Present: Scott Kiefner, Dave Quinsey, Tom Wright

Directors Absent: Chris Andre, Ed Wenz

FirstService Residential, Richard Ford, Senior Community Manager

Reports--little discussion



Homeowner said that landscapers work very hard.  She sees them on the phones. 

People don't want to come to the meeting because they feel threatened and are afraid that they will be sued.


Homeowner inquired about the brush clearance. 


Homeowner said the HOA continues to mislead about brush clearing.  The fire department inspects once per year, but the landscape contract paid by the HOA calls for continual brush clearance.

Courtesy notes on slope planting will be ignored as so many issues have not been enforced.  HOA directors have feigned enforcement, saying it takes a long time.  In reality they don't enforce, for example, the pool slide to the roof, and Director Chris Andre's fence relocation over an HOA easement, both remain nearly 5 years now.

Members of this board, and prior directors such as Amber, said the HOA didn't have to maintain Lot L because it wasn't HOA property, apparently unaware of the concept of easements.  The homeowner sought help from the City who said the HOA should take care of the land, and the City agreed that they would not release Lennar's bonds until the lot is resolved.  The HOA  therefore agreed to do brush clearance, while the HOA sues Lennar over the community irrigation installation which the HOA wants corrected before Lot L is replanted and they take over the maintenance.

The homeowner read a letter from the HOA attorney to the City.  It says, "Lennar Homes did not adhere to the plans approved by the City."  The homeowner noted that the HOA didn't sue until November 2017.  He suggested the HOA would have saved a lot in legal fees if they had done, as he had, and sought help from the City years ago, instead of spending more money on the HOA attorney for litigation.

HOA Attorney to City.JPG


Minutes and Financial statements approved unanimously.

Reserve Study:  haven't had time to finish it.

Fourth of July:  Plans are being made.  Passes will be sent with the next HOA billing statements and will be sent via email.  Sevilla will be closed.  This process was set up the first time by Kathy Bruno, and it has continued.

Bravo3 (security) proposal for additional support on July 4th approved unanimously.

Fence maintenance:  Tabled.  Ed Wenz is not present to discuss.

Proposal for cholla and prickly pear cactus installation.  Tabled for review by landscape committee.

Slope Planting Courtesy Notice:  The challenge is that several homeowners have not maintained their slopes.  Discussed sending a newsletter to everyone.  Tom's concern is that notices aren't getting out to people.  He asked if they can send notices electronically and via mail.  Ford says violation notices are always hard copy.  He is unaware if sending it electronically causes an issue.  Scott asked about reminders.  Ford says that those can be sent hard copy and email.  The discussion was two different topics, one being courtesy notices to violators, the other being a courtesy reminder to all homeowners.

Courtesy notice to all homeowners will be sent via mail, not to exceed $300, and email, and placed on the web site:  approved unanimously.

There are still issues with the web site.  If you can't access it send an email to Richard Ford.

Social Committee Reimbursement:  The amount on the card does not get reimbursed until receipts are processed.  Richard Ford said, once receipts are received they should be processed in a week or two.  The card has a $1500 limit.  A homeowner said that the committee had nowhere near that kind of money outstanding on the card.  Homeowners on the committee have had to use personal expenses pending reimbursement.  Janet says it may discourage others from participating.  Motion to reimburse Janet for $510.  Approved unanimously.  Board apologized.

Homeowner correspondence.

Next meeting Wed July 17.

Ford will not be at the meeting in August.


Annual meeting is August 21.  Normally it is held at the same time as the regular meeting.


Adjourned 7:17pm