Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 03-18-2021
HOA Meeting Notes 03-18-2021
Meeting conducted via teleconference (Zoom)
Directors Present: Scott Kiefner, Dave Quinsey, Chris Andre, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright
FirstService Residential, Richard Ford, Senior Community Manager
Board did not consent for the meeting to be recorded.
Reports: Pages 1-63
Landscape “stuff with sprinklers” fence repairs on Ocotillo pg 12 -34
BravoThree: email
Landscape reports 35-39
Can you share information regarding litigation with Lennar? What is the timeline for repairs? Why no meeting for over a year?
—Scott: Litigation completed, timeline not set. Hired a company to give them a plan. Plan to execute on landscape and irrigation first. The board had conflicts getting a meeting together. The business of the board still continued. Richard handled concerns. Not able to coordinate and put together a meeting. COVID pandemic mentioned. It should get back to normal.
Homeowner said she sent multiple email, but no (or little response) from management company. <Ford responded but it was unclear what he meant and some words were hard to hear.>
Homeowner: “Parking illegally,” hanging out, and trash. Address with security, lights, trash cans.
Landscape looks very bad.
Scott: Working on it. “Stuff with the City, working with.” Lawsuit and pandemic challenges. Homeowner: Let us know if we can help (e.g. errands, phone calls) not just complain and Facebook fights. e.g.
Scott: Send Richard Ford your get your contact information.
Ed: We could use the help on a committee.
Homeowner said that she didn’t understand the answer regarding the lack of meetings. She noted lack of communication. All despite technology.
Scott: Thank you
Homeowner: What’s the timeline for transferring streets to City?
Scott: He alerted the City to deficiencies, e.g. sidewalks raising. The issues don’t involve the HOA. It’s between the City and Lennar. No timeline.
Lennar had a claim on funds, $500k, they put in HOA reserve. Status? Do we have to pay it back?
Scott: It was part of the lawsuit. No money sent. He believes it was resolved.
Ed: What is the difference when the City takes over the streets?
Scott: City rather than Lennar would have to pay for sidewalks and streets. Police will have more enforcement authority.
Homeowner: Concerns about the streets, “kids up here” and trash.
Scott: Homeowner sent a letter that will be discussed. HOA has limited control. Call Sheriff re: illegal activity. Will discuss Bravo Three.
There is trash on banks, can the landscape contractor pick it up?
Scott: Where?
Scott: Will tell landscaper.
Chris: said we can call Bravo Three 619-xxx-xxxx for dispatch which is nearby. <Phone number redacted. Direct message via Twitter or Facebook if you don’t have it.>
Tom said said he hasn’t seen Bravo Three recently.
Chris discussed Bravo Three patrols.
Homeowner: Thanks to homeowners who are picking up trash.
Christmas lights are still up. What is the time limit for them?
Ed: Blurring line between holiday lights and landscape lights. Unclear where it stands.
Chris: 14 days for removal of holiday decorations
Homeowner: Some lights are obviously Christmas e.g. stars. Just wanted to confirm that there is a limit, not looking to be the neighborhood narc.
Ford said they sent reminders to some homeowners, excluding landscape lights
Social committee has run out of funds used for wine for new homeowners.
Chris suggested that they avoid buying alcohol.
Scott and Chris recommended using donations.
Ed asked Dave Quinsey if the landscaper is supposed to pick up trash.
Ford: “Absolutely”
Dave said that he’d check. He asked Ed to send him a copy of the landscape contract. <This is the scope of work from the landscape contract (.pdf). Below is an an excerpt from the contract regarding trash.>
Homeowner: Why weren’t agendas posted properly and who is responsible for posting them?
Dave said he was responsible. He said something about missing email.
Why hasn’t the HOA informed homeowners about violation notices they received from the City?
Scott: Our attorney says that your questions should be routed through your attorney.
Why are you approving landscape proposals outside of Open Meetings?
Scott: Go through your attorney
Are you doing anything regarding the delays in processing homeowner landscape plans?
Scott: “I have the same answer.”
Irrigation is not running on Lot L, is malfunctioning on the slope next to us, and was running in the rain. Are you working on that?
Scott: Same answer. I’m making notes, but no comment.
Why didn’t you inform anyone that the HOA assumed responsibility for Lot L?
Scott: Same answer.
Private secret meetings violate the law and our Governing Documents.
Do you regret dumping volunteers when you first took over the board in the recall?
What’s the status of the proposal to irrigate the property on Graves across from the apartments?
Homeowner: Lives on Ocotillo. Neighbor saw kids building a bonfire near Morella trailhead. Requested more patrols from the Sheriff in person, got documents regarding a neighborhood watch. Offered to help HOA. Park: Requested brush maintenance from City and maintenance on the sign. Did the HOA do anything?
Ford said it isn’t an HOA matter. He hasn’t received requests but would refer them to the City. He mentioned Cecilia Tipton.
Ford said that he understands that Neighborhood Watch is usually done between residents and the gov’t, not the HOA.
Homeowner: He walks every night between 9pm and midnight. His concern, Castilla cul-de-sac look-out spot, & Morella, every night parking, smoking marijuana, drinking. Matter of time before there is an accident. Once a car sped off when he was there and nearly hit another car. Morella has become a parking lot. Why not move the fence to avoid creating a parking lot? At Castilla there is a hedge, but it has a break. Plant hedge to obstruct the view from the street, but not blocking homeowner view.
Dave: Morella fence—Lennar still owns it everything there. Someone should contact them.
Ed: Put removable bollards there to prevent parking.
Chris: There are bollards at the trailhead, so similar at the street would be good. Call Bravo Three 619-xxx-xxxx for non-emergency, call Sheriff for crime. <Phone number redacted. Direct message via Twitter or Facebook if you don’t have it.>
Homeowner says that the Sheriff wants homeowners to call them for illegal activity. Frequently they are drinking alcohol and smoking pot, so he calls the Sheriff approx 2 times per week. He sees them drinking beer and throwing the cans.
Item B Election and Enforcement Rule Revisions, sent to homeowners Jan 25th. For example, homeowners who are delinquent can run for office. If any homeowner has questions you can ask now. Approved unanimously.
Homeowner: Procedure question. Why is this topic opened for comment, when normally homeowners only speak during Homeowner Forum? How will we know when we will have the opportunity to speak on topics?
Ford: State law requires that rule revisions are opened for comment.
Representative for camera company Flock Safety. Nancy, San Diego representative.
They focus on vehicle recognition. Their goal is to identify criminal type behavior and give information to law enforcement. She gave an example of a crime not prosecuted because they didn’t have the license plate information. Then she gave an example where a vehicle plate was provided that allowed law enforcement to pursue it.
Falcon, license plate reader, solar powered, wireless LTE, license plate, make, model etc. Residency safe list toggle in search. HOA would have access, or it could be some board members, or none.
Transforming hours of data into investigative data. Break ins, vehicle theft, amber alerts, porch pirates etc. She gave examples of community successes reducing crime rates e.g. 60%.
Ed: How is camera protected?
Nancy: It is on a 12 ft poles. Only 7 ever vandalized. First is replaced free.
Chris: How long to install?
Nancy: 5-7 weeks. Involves site survey and checking LTE signal
Chris said a trial installation is possible since wires aren’t required
Scott: Mentioned challenges involving the privacy of the information
Chris said they could make it so only law enforcement has access.
Ford recommended input from counsel
Scott asked for cameras to be placed on the agenda, also issues with Bravo Three given complaints heard during the meeting.
CONSENT CALENDAR <started 3:50pm>
Minutes approved unanimously
Items B-M, financial statements, approved unanimously <3:52pm>
Item N Reserve Study, approved unanimously <3:53pm>
Item O, P, & Q, Budget, Delinquency Policy, Financial Review approved unanimously <3:55pm>
Item R, CD maturing. Merrill Lynch proposals. Approved unanimously except Chris abstained <3:56pm>
Item S Petty cash & Social Committee expense card. Approved unanimously <3:57pm>
Item T Cost sharing with NorthStar. Approved unanimously <3:58pm>
Item U Financial reveiw, pulled item, waiting for attorney review
Item V, Ballot Box Election Inspector proposal, Approved unanimously <4:00pm>
New Business
Architectural Modification Status—no items
Homeowner Correspondence
Cars parking, drug sales, trash. Scott said they handled the issues in the meeting. Ford said that they would refer homeowner to law enforcement
Homeowner complained about someone living near the water tower.
Homeowner complaint about water being turned off.
Board and Committee Lists
Cindy said in the meeting she might want to be involved, so reach out to her to possibly assign her to a committee.
Adjourned 4:05 pm
Next meeting Thursday, April 15, probably the same time
Scott counted 10 homeowners. He said normally one or two show up. He thinks the new time and format may work better.