New HOA Director, Copy/Paste Budget, Personal Notes HOA Meeting 02-09-2023
HOA Meeting Notes 02-09-2023 3:00pm
Meeting conducted via teleconference (WebEx)
<The web conference failed so notes were taken via the telephone conference. That made it difficult to determine who was speaking so there could be an error.>
Directors Present: Chris Andre, Dave Quinsey, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright
FirstService Residential
Nadine Bell - Community Manager
Regional Director - Ian Navarro
Motion to appoint David Samo to the board of directors was approved without discussion.
Homeowner participated via phone as the Web Ex app show the meeting closed/ended. He began with a general statement about the directors making the job more difficult than it needs to be, and that perhaps Mr. Samo can help them with that. As he used the budget as an example, Ian Navarro interrupted and started to define what the homeowner was allowed to talk about. For example, he said asking questions was acceptable. The homeowner asked who was the person who just told him what he is allowed to say. Chris then said to let the homeowner speak. Ian then apologized and told the homeowner to proceed.
The homeowner then said the directors have taken control of the HOA, but not taken responsibility. He pointed out that the 2020 -2021 budget was a copy paste of the 2019 - 2020 budget. As evidence he referred them to the overview page of the budgets for those two years with identical numbers. He suggested that the directors simply take care of the landscape and enforce the rules, rather than expend energy trying to do something else. He said the landscape by his home is atrocious and weeds have overrun it.
Ian said that the HOA was working on the landscape punch list that the homeowner produced and he could discuss it at the next meeting. Ian said weeds are everywhere because of the rains. Ian or Nadine made a comment acknowledging that there are issues that need to be addressed with enforcement. The homeowner tried to respond but Ian interrupted and they said time had expired. The homeowner interjected that they had interrupted him. Chris told the homeowner to proceed if it were brief. The homeowner said that he doesn’t know what the landscapers have claimed to have completed from the list so he can’t comment on how it was handled.
I doubt that it is an accepted accounting practice to use the data from a previous year and simply change the dates.
Next Meeting February 23