Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 10-16-2019
HOA Meeting Notes 10-16-2019; 6:30 pm
Directors Present: Scott Kiefner, Dave Quinsey, Chris Andre, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright
Directors Absent: Tom Wright
FirstService Residential, Richard Ford, Senior Community Manager; and Chelsey Chapman
Officer positions, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director at Large unanimously voted to remain the same
A fence was repaired
Morella fence was repaired as well
The vendor has not been providing reports. There has been correspondence.
Taking too long to get enhancements proposals for the agenda. Chapman asked if they want additional reports. It must be provided to Ford a week in advance to make the agenda. Ford said that the landscaper provided their latest proposals today, which is too late for them to be addressed in this meeting.
Homeowner asked that the HOA approve solar plans faster than the 90 days timeline. They may miss out on the tax credit for 2019. Chapman said it could take up to 90 days, but it should not. HOA cited different fee amounts e.g. 150, then 175, then 300. Sedona HOA—told to make check out to. As a new owner it was confusing and it wasn’t spelled out. Chapman said that they have a new associate, so it will be smoother going forward. Wenz said that he sent an email today explaining the process to Ford and Chapman.
Form regarding expenses with social committee given to Chapman.
HOA bills are being sent to the previous owners new address and the mix up has been resolved.
Landscape problems were reported, but remain unchanged. Tissues the homeowner placed on sprinkler heads proves that they aren’t running.
At the last meeting the board approved reimbursement of funds without receipts. Recommend requiring receipts and only do business with vendors that provide receipts. Honest businesses provide receipts, and it lessens the likelihood of paying to employ illegal aliens.
In legal disputes the HOA supported homeowners by allowing them to bring non-homeowners to an HOA meeting to serve legal documents against other homeowners, in violation of the board’s own policy. In one set of disputes, in response to homeowners reporting RV violations, the violators made false statements that photos were taken of their children.
The homeowner gave a final rundown of the legal proceedings and will post a signed statement by Shauna J. admitting what happened. She also deleted the defamatory Facebook posts. All of the actions below went against the violators:
2 judgements for defamation.
1 court order for attorney fees
1 settlement for attorney fees
1 restraining order, still in effect
1 charge for vandalism
1 court ordered restitution
Consent Calendar: Approval of minutes, Financial Statement: All approved without discussion. Lien Approval tabled
Fence maintenance correspondence:
They start tomorrow with power washing
In a private matter, power washing went through a fence and damaged pavers. Vendor should be aware that given the condition of some fences it can lead to the water going through more easily.
Cost sharing budget near completion. The last item is insurance.
Homeowner Correspondence: Directors told to read correspondence. Dave said there was an item, but Scott said they put the item in vendor correspondence.
Homeowner wrote that gophers came to his yard from open space and wants them addressed. HOA unable to do anything as it is conservation property.
BMR proposal needed additional information for a new water pump. There is an area where there is a smaller water line leading into a larger water line. They are providing a proposal for $7500 to run electrical lines for the pump, but the pump will be an additional cost. HOA will request additional information before approving the expense.
Storm water runoff, correspondence from the City. BRM has been doing storm water service for the HOA. City says they will need specialists in the future. City will approve work already completed by BRM. BRM isn’t qualified, per the City, e.g. need the correct training and equipment. BRM suggested some causes be addressed e.g. Bougainvillea debris. Given the runoff it appears it will be an ongoing issue and the City will monitoring.
Review of rules governing when plans are to be sent to the reviewing architect: Directors not prepared to discuss it so the issue is being tabled. Ed discussed it briefly with Chapman. Scott said there has been turnover of personnel at FirstService, and the service should improve.
Color scheme adjustments considerations: FirstService will contact Lennar regarding color schemes. There is a scheme. Changes would have to be approved by the Design Review Committee.
Committee assignments and oversight. Not discussed openly. Directors referred to their documents and advised to check their lists to ensure committee members are still involved, haven’t moved away, etc.
Meeting adjourned 7:11 pm.