Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 01-15-2020


HOA Meeting Notes 01-15-2020.


Directors Present: Scott Kiefner, Dave Quinsey, Chris Andre, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright


Directors Absent:  Ed Wenz


FirstService Residential, Richard Ford, Senior Community Manager; and Chelsey Chapman

The board started the open meeting while homeowners waited outside to be allowed inside.


The board has not told the truth about enforcement.  For example, their statements about the pool slide to the roof, Director Andre’s fence relocation over the slope easement etc. 

Years ago the driveway of a home on Mirador was expanded in violation of the rules.  The house is for sale and that issue should be passed to the new owner. 

The fuel modification zone on of the perimeter of the development is designed for fire safety.  City code mandates “…irrigated and maintained ornamental planting.  This vegetation should be kept in a well-irrigated condition and cleared of dead material.  This area requires year-round maintenance.”  CC&Rs 4.1.1 states that the HOA has a duty to maintain the landscape.  The fuel modification zones by the homeowner’s house is not irrigated or maintained.  Zone 1 goes up the slope which is largely abandoned.

Fuel Modification CCRs.JPG



Ed available by phone to discuss the fence maintenance staining project.  Need to get started again now that weather cleared.  Errors because wrong color was used.  Corrections will be necessary.  Ed will advise them of the proper color.  It is hard to get a uniform color when restaining.  Some areas were not properly prepared.  The darker than appropriate color that was applied is now difficult to correct.  A more opaque color may need to be applied.  The fences will not be completely consistently colored.  Prefer wood color to orange, therefore go with more transparent application.


Rules governing when plans are sent to the reviewing architect:  Something got missed “with the new gal.”  It wouldn’t have happened with the person before, “things would have moved forward” with the previous “gal.”  Chapman said they need responses to their reports when they send them to the board before they can move forward.

 No variance requests.

 Homeowner may bring a variance request for their backyard.  <Details not discussed in the meeting.>

 Shared Cost Budget submitted to Northstar.  They have questions which will be fielded by management.

 Homeowner correspondence 80 - 84.  Yard sale question.  The address was in NorthStar.  They will send a note to the homeowner.  They asked a question about fence maintenance project. 

 Straw waddles need to be purchased.  $3380

Approved unanimously

 Enhancements:  Additional plants on Ocotillo, Claret, $3082

Approved unanimously

  $2000 per month budget for enhancements

 Security Camera discussion:  tabled

 Board Committee Lists:  No discussion.  Directors were told to look at the documents in their packets.

 Next meeting February 19.