Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 02-20-2019

HOA Meeting Notes 02-20-2019, 6:30pm


Directors Present: Scott Kiefner, Chris Andre, Dave Quinsey, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright


FirstService Residential, Richard Ford, Senior Community Manager


Directors said they get too many routine reports from the security company.  They would like receive only reports with suspicious activity.



What is the status of the FirstService website?  HOA Response:  Ford said it has incompatibilities and flaws.  He asked the Directors if they should make the website available even though it still isn’t ready.  Directors said not to launch it yet.  Ed said his access doesn't work.


It seemed apparent that with such little discussion at the previous meeting, that the directors had largely discussed the new landscape company in Executive Session where homeowners couldn’t hear.  One of the few things mentioned in Open Session was that with the new company we would be getting the prior landscape manager.  The homeowner asked, is this the same manager that TVRI said had committed theft via lack of manpower?  HOA response:  Scott said he was unaware of the discussion of theft via lack of manpower.

<From Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 12-20-2017: New TVRI Manager David Rodi addressed the board and said the following: The condition he encountered was inadequate (i.e. the landscape should have been better cared for). His predecessor stole from the company in the form of wages and work not done. Now they are working on areas of greatest impact first. Our guys are working hard with more direction. They are proud of the work they are doing.>

Will the HOA be paying for maintenance on the section of fence that a homeowner installed on Castilla in violation of the CC&Rs?  HOA response:  Scott replied that the question should be sent to the HOA.

Neighbor who is a renter wants the Design Guidelines. Is it OK to give them to her? HOA Response: Yes

What is being done to secure the fence at Morella? It is no longer locked. She thinks the locks are being cut.

In the event of an evacuation, who opens the gate? What are the evacuation routes? HOA Response: Brockway & Ruocco. Main route Sevilla. Fire Department will unlock the gates. The community is designed for shelter in place.

Homeowner asked about what was sprayed behind the house. HOA response: The directors were unable to find out what it was.


Unanimously approved lien and minutes.

Northstar Sky Ranch Cost Sharing Budget. Northstar not finished with 2018 budget. Unanimously approved sending updated FY2018 information to Northstar.

Fence Maintenance Correspondence. 2400 ft needs attention now. Requested additional bids. The new bid is $7.50 (Didn't say for what e.g. linear ft). Tom said it is $15 per sq ft. The bid was unclear to the directors, for example, does it cover multiple areas. Unanimously approved to have Ed review the contract. <Note: Various statements were made about the cost. It was unclear.>

Homeowner says tree clogged a sewer pipe. Have not heard from the HOA attorney. Issue tabled.

Directors told to look over homeowner correspondence.

Ed suggested that they provide more information to homeowners about the new landscape company.

Meeting adjourned 6:59 pm

Next Meeting March 20