Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 1-16-2019
HOA Meeting Notes 01-16-2019
Directors Present: Scott Kiefner, Chris Andre, Dave Quinsey, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright
FirstService Residential, Richard Ford, Senior Community Manager
FirstService website has been unavailable to homeowners for six months. Ford said he believed it is working. Homeowner said he was told he would be contacted with a password when the site was working. Ford will check.
No fines were collected the last fiscal year. There are no lawsuits seeking to collect fines. The HOA risks liability for failing to fulfill their fiduciary duties to ensure that homeowners comply with the Governing Documents, which may result in increased assessments. Homeowners are on their own if a neighboring homeowner installs a giant slide to the roof, a Ferris wheel, or commits a variety of violations.
Cookie exchange was successful.
Social committee information: Chili cook off February 23rd. New members will lead it. Finding an electricity source is an issue. Young new moms are energetically working.
Northstar / Sky Ranch Cost Sharing: Now they have the reserve study. Study isolated costs for common shared areas.
Revised Architectural Guidelines (Ed)
Homeowners submitted some suggestions. Some suggestions were submitted after the 30 day deadline so they aren't being considered. They briefly discussed the "contradiction" of the prohibition of wood fence and the approved colors for wood fence. <Note: It appears they may be confused about the CC&R prohibition of installing wood fencing beyond what was installed by the developer, or they are concerned that others will be confused.> Adoption of the Design Guidelines was approved by all except Chris who voted against it.
<Note: The HOA sent via email an unsearchable format of the revised Design Guidelines. The copy at this link is searchable. Revised Design Guidelines.>
Fence Maintenance (Ed)
Identified fences along common areas maintained by the HOA. Identify fences at the tops of slopes. 762 linear feet of fence needs immediate attention, but much of the fencing is OK. Homeowners have changed some fence colors, and some fences are being damaged by irrigation. Most damage to fences is on the south facing side (sun). Some fences are aging prematurely because it appears they were not prepared properly. Ford will acquire two more bids which include power wash and two finish coats.
Possible Postal Service Box Relocation
Need 100% approval of affected homeowners. Ford recalled that it was agreed that homeowners would acquire the 100% approval before the HOA will take any action. Board suspends action until then.
Homeowner says HOA landscape is clogging her sewer. The issue occurs on her property but it is HOA maintained area. The question is who is responsible. Ed said the pipe must be damaged for roots to penetrate. The homeowner fixed it, but wants to be reimbursed. Ed wondered whether it would be Lennar's responsibility via warranty. Scott says the receipt shows the work as suggested, not that it was completed. They are unclear if the work was done. Tom said the information might have been presented at the last meeting. Tabling the issue pending further information. Upon reading correspondence Scott said it appears the work was not completed. The HOA attorney was unclear about who is responsible.
Variance request: 7030 Mariposa, install pool within 5ft of side fence. Approved unanimously.
New law: Civil Code 5380 & 5502 Electronic Transfer of Funds Greater than $10k. It's a new law that mandates amounts over $10k have board resolution unless specifically authorized. In Sky Ranch such monthly bills would include landscape, management, utilities. Motion to approve giving FirstService authorization to pay such bills was approved unanimously.
New law AB 2912 Requirements: financial statements must now be reviewed by the board every month instead of quarterly. If a monthly meeting is missed, it can be handled at the following meeting.
Landscape Service Provider Selection (Ed & Dave): Received several bids for a landscape contractor. Motion to approve O'connell as the new landscaper approved unanimously. <Note: almost no discussion>
Eric Sheppard would return as he works for O'connell. There will be a full assessment of the current conditions, including irrigation e.g. number of sprinkler heads. Eric is suspicious of the number of irrigation lines that have been turned off. They have committed to having an irrigation specialist on site full time for three months. Ed said they will start with highly visible areas coming up the hill. They will work on the smart irrigation equipment to get it working properly.
Next Meeting February 20.