Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 10-14-2021
HOA Meeting Notes 10-14-2021.
Annual meeting reconvene
<This continuation occurred because insufficient ballots were received for the meeting. The threshold was automatically lowered for the following meeting. Therefore, the HOA had to pay the contractors again to appear for this continuation.>
<They started speaking before they engaged the video conference on Zoom, so I missed something, but I don’t know if it was significant. I determined the attendees by the list in Zoom and by noting who spoke at the meeting. Only through the Zoom list could I determine the last name of the inspector.>
Started 4:03 pm
Directors Present: Dave Quinsey, Chris Andre, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright? (“tom w” appeared as a name in the Zoom list, but any text can be entered in that field.)
Directors Not Present: Scott Kiefner,
FirstService Residential: Valencia McCartney, Community Manager
Maria Neuzil, Inspector of Elections, Ballot Box.
Needed 53 ballots to resume the meeting and 68 ballots were received.
Maria asked if there were any nominations from the floor, but there were none.
Chris asked about our lack of ability to view the counting over video conference. Maria said that they were in compliance. She pointed out that people are not allowed to get close to them when they count votes in person.
Chris Andre 69
Scott Kiefner 77
Dave Quinsey 69
Ed Wenz 46
Tom Wright 59
Mike Long 5
Dave Samoa (sp?) <hard to hear the last name> 5
Mike Root 5
Minutes approved
Approve 62
Disapprove 1
Blank 1
IRS rule
Yes 66
No 1
Blank 1
Adjourned 4:36 pm
Organizational meeting followed by Open Meeting October 21, 2:30pm