Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 12-18-2023
HOA Meeting Notes 12-18-2023 1:16pm
Meeting conducted via teleconference (Zoom)
Directors Present: Chris Andre, Dave Quinsey, David Samo, Ed Wenz
FirstService Residential
Nadine Bell - Community Manager
No executive session held prior to the meeting.
Homeowner #1:
She requested a member list for screening people wanting access to an unofficial online group.
Nadine said that homeowners can opt out of such lists using the web site.
Homeowner #2a:
He asked about the kind of plants that will be used on HOA property next to his lot. Will they meet fire guidelines. He said that the HOA uses Bougainvillea which is not ideal.
Directors responded that the landscaper proposed Bougainvillea that will be low lying, Orchid Rock Rose, plants that are not on the Do Not Plant list.
He asked, can I push back on Bougainvillea being planted so close to the house?
Homeowner #2b: She said, please don’t plant Bougainvillea. The flowers are flammable. They are prohibited in other communities.
Chris: They will proceed without Bougainvillea and reassess; he apologized about it and will proceed with something else. He said that the landscapers said Bougainvillea will be kept low lying.
Homeowner #3:
The meeting wasn’t posted as required by the Governing Documents nor as the email stated.
He said that the HOA needs ground cover growing. Straw wattle should be a temporary measure. Mulch is needed in many areas in the community.
He said Nadine came to his lot about a year ago and said it would take time to fix the landscape. He said he appreciates what was done, but it is still very bad. He said it seems that talking to the HOA simply doesn’t work. He then showed three photos, two of which he previously sent to the HOA at their request.
He said much of the slope above his house remains barren. He said the ground is eroding and exposing the roots of a tree. He said this condition has only worsened since he first sent the photo.
Erosion exposing tree roots. Barren ground.
He then showed a photo of a Pepper Tree, that he previously sent to the HOA. He said it is prohibited by City code because we are in a wildland urban interface.
Prohibited Pepper Tree that should be removed.
He then showed a photo of how the HOA addressed the tree. Rather than cutting it down, most of the upper branches were chopped off and a few sprigs of leaves left.
What the HOA did rather than remove the prohibited tree.
Chris asked why the posting of the agendas is an issue if he knows when the meeting is held. He said that they addressed the posting issue. He also complained about the cost of litigation.
The homeowner responded that they addressed the law regarding the posting requirement, but are ignoring the requirement in the Governing Documents e.g. bylaws. He said all of their issues are the result of failing to follow the Governing Documents, and that they should abide by the documents that they are also required to enforce.
New Business
O’Connell Mulch Installation
Monument to Calico/Sevilla
Approved unanimously
Chris said they met with O’Connell and this is some of the results.
O’Connell Sevilla Street Plant Installations
5 planting quotes, each side of Sevilla, and at Calico/Sevilla
1-4 proposals approved unanimously
#5 not approved to reconsider bougainvillea. Ed said bougainvillea is not a fire risk to their knowledge.
Next Meeting, January 25, 2024
Adjourned 1:43pm