Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 11-30-2023
HOA Meeting Notes 11-30-2023 3:42pm
Meeting conducted via teleconference (Zoom)
Directors Present: Chris Andre, Dave Quinsey, Ed Wenz
Directors Absent: David Samo
FirstService Residential
Nadine Bell - Community Manager
<Homeowners were unable to log into the meeting at the scheduled start time of 3:00 pm. The agendas were on the web site, and sent via email. The meeting ID, password, and phone number were different on each agenda. None of them worked. The link in the email agenda resulted in a message stating, "...the host's account is no longer active." Manually entering the meeting ID produced a message, "Meeting Number Not Found." I contacted FirstService who worked with Nadine to get us in the meeting. The board and Nadine said that they had not started the meeting due to the difficulties. They noted that a homeowner had been able to attend the meeting. Apparently they took part in the executive session prior to the open meeting. Nadine sent a broadcast email with a new link so that everyone could attend. While we waited we discussed it. Nadine mentioned their systems that create the agendas and send email might have caused the problem. The meeting was being held via Zoom, yet the links that homeowners received were for WebEx. Julie Q. could be heard reporting to Dave Q. what homeowners were writing on the unofficial Sky Ranch Facebook site.>
Management Reports
Work Order Report
Landscape Walkthrough/Punchlist
Storm Water Inspection Reports
Resident Support Services Report
V-Ditch Inspection Report
-No discussion
<reverse chronological order>
Homeowner #2
She noted that she’s observed screens broken out, lawns with weeds, etc. She asked if they have homeowners on the landscape committee to send letters to the homeowners.
Nadine: She said that there is no landscape committee, She drives the community with O’Connell.
Homeowner #2 said that complaints requires two people to complain.
She’s not talking about little weeds. She said that they aren’t pleasing yards to look at. So many slopes are dirt covered or weeds. Nadine said she knows about the slopes and is following up on the slopes
Ed said they need more eyes and ears and know when issues aren’t resolved.
She said it is important to recognize homeowners who have great landscape and make the community look good.
Homeowner #1
He said, I have the impression that the employees of FirstService are over worked. I have no idea how many communities each of these employees must service. We should be making their job easier by simply following the rules and enforcing the rules.
He asked if there any reason you think you don’t have to follow the Governing Documents, specifically, the Bylaws which state, “Notice of all regular meetings shall be posted in a prominent place in the Association Property…not less than four (4) days prior to the meeting.” He asked, is there something I’m missing?
Excerpt from bylaws, part of the governing documents.
He asked, one day did directors just decide it’s too much effort to post the agenda, without any notice to the community?
Who made the decision to not post the agenda for today’s meetings?
Was it another secret meeting? Why not simply discuss it in a meeting.
He said, that despite your attorney stating that you are following the Governing Documents, I have two new examples to the contrary this past week. First, failing to post the agendas. Second, taking 2 months to supply a budget document that the CC&Rs require to be available within 10 days.
He said to make it easier to manage. If you were more open, and hadn’t purged your knowledgeable volunteers, it would be easier to manage. And maybe walk the half block to the park to post the agenda. Maybe look at the landscape.
Nadine said that legal counsel said that they comply with the law, by posting the policy about where the agenda can be found.
Homeowner #1 said that the governing documents are additional requirements.
Nadine said that they put their policy in the budget document.
Homeowner #1 said the governing documents take precedence. He said he will pursue it. Chris Andre said they would research it further.
Chris Andre asked the homeowner if he was in litigation with the HOA.
Homeowner #1 said yes, and asked what that had to do with it.
He said it has been nine years since the HOA purged the volunteers. He said there was an election and the homeowners made a decision. Homeowner #1 said that the homeowners elected a board of directors, then the board of directors purged the volunteers. He said the HOA got rid of knowledgeable volunteers who are still in the community, who clearly are needed, and the HOA never repaired the damage and doesn’t have a large pool of volunteers from which to choose.
Chris Andre asked if Nadine had visited the site by his home. Homeowner #1 responded that she had, and she saw the issues, and there has been improvement, but there are still problems. He said at a prior meeting the board acknowledged the terrible condition of the property at Sevilla and Calico, but they never did anything about it. Chris said to send more information.
Approval of Minutes October 2023
Financial Statements
-Approved with no discussion
CDS Unit Cleaning
Building Resources Management Notice
Effective November 1, $61.05 per hour and $22.50 for <something else—too fast to type>
O’Connell Graves Avenue Trash Pick Up <Proposal to pick up trash on Graves Avenue>
Corner of Graves, $150 per week.
As you turn left onto Graves from Prospect. No vegetation on left side, right of way. Chris said they spoke to the City, but they don’t keep up the area.
Ed said that he wished the slope by the park was included for $150
Chris said the City is not taking care of the property by the park with the proper cadence.
Nadine asked if $150 per work order would be better, but Chris said it needs to be done regularly.
Ed asked if this is “before the area we are required to maintain.” Chris said ‘Yes”
Chris said it is on the west side of Graves across from the apartments.
Chris said is the whole length of Graves, but not right at Prospect.
Chris said it is a 4-5ft area with just mulch. He said he asked the City to install plants, but there is no water.
Ed suggested that they table it.
Chris said Samo is in favor.
Chris said that Nadine has had it cleaned periodically. Nadine handled it informally, paying them with donuts, though it wasn’t clear if they meant donuts literally.
Homeowner #2 asked if the NorthStar condo would contribute to the cost.
O’Connell Straw Waddle [sic] Replacement
$11,980 proposal to replace all straw wattle.
Dave Q asked for it to be tabled for a map. Ed agreed.
Chris said the map is on page 75.
3550 feet straw wattle, plus stakes.
Chris said it shows on the bottom of Triana, Sevilla north side of road from Cala Lily to Calico, then down Mirador.
Ed said it didn’t need to be near the sidewalk. He said they over-installed during the storm water issue. He said it isn’t needed where it is flat dirt next to the sidewalk. Ed said he hadn’t seen this map and would like time to review it.
Ed, Chris, Nadine, and Homeowner #2 will meet to review/discuss.
Item tabled.
O’Connell Brow Ditch Estimate
Location/mapping was discussed.
Ed said the intent is to repair as needed. He said it might be better to work on it every two weeks rather than spend $10,000 to fix. Nadine said it involved repairs, and then Ed said it might be beyond cleanup every two weeks.
This is related to repairs paid from the Lennar settlement.
Nadine said the link in the board’s packet wasn’t working, so she was working on it.
Nadine displayed a map with locations.
They didn’t state the cost, presumably it was written in the board packet, but Nadine said the cost was only for the report, not the repairs.
Item tabled.
Settlement Project Discussion
Nadine said they have a laundry list of items that they can fix using the settlement funds $315,000.
The settlement funds are in a separate fund from the reserve funds.
Examples of work is slopes, slopes too steep leading to erosion, lack of grommets and paint to prevent rust where cable meets fence posts which can be a liability because some of the cables have broken.
Chris said they need to get bids for safety fencing issues.
Ed said that it sounds like they didn’t use galvanized cable and posts.
Chris suggested that it needs to be strong enough to support a person that falls against it.
Nadine said this agenda topic was to review the report.
Ed said he can make a list of priorities, with safety the most important.
Additional Trash Receptacle Locations
It is expected to be a little more expensive, perhaps 5%, than those approved in May.
Homeowner #2 mentioned that she sees some people aren’t picking up after their dogs. They briefly discussed existing bag stations. She said she’s seen some people putting their home trash in the HOA trash cans.
Chris said they’ve heard good feedback about the trash cans. He suggested Nadine get bids for another three.
Ed asked how much they are being used. Dave Q said some people still throw trash by the cans. Homeowner #2 said the can at Triana has been used by homeowners for home trash. Chris explained those were original cans installed by the developer. Chris said the HOA installed cans at Castilla, Sevilla near Calico, and halfway up Mariposa. Chris said he’s seen trash in the Castilla and Sevilla cans.
Chris suggested that Nadine also get quotes for dog bag/trash can stations. Chris asked the homeowners for feedback on locations.
Community Newsletter
Chris would like to resume the newsletter that was discontinued when they lacked content. Persons that may contribute: Mita S., Teresa G., and Shanon O., Homeowner #2 said she had suggested content to one of the potential contributors. Chris said the Social Committee will work on it. It could include events e.g. Tacos in the Park, Christmas lights awards. Homeowner #2 said Mita was in this meeting but got bounced off and they were texting. Nadine said she would send her a link. Chris will be the committee chair.
Chris motion to start the newsletter, Ed second, unanimous approval.
Cost Share Discussion
<This was a long discussion. The notes reflect key points only.>
Nadine has been unable to get a meeting with the accounting department.
Ed asked if the total is $3021.38
Chris said this issue can’t be tabled, and that they need to deal with it now.
Nadine said Northstar had a question which she referred to accounting, but she hasn’t received a response.
They reviewed some of the correspondence between Nadine and Northstar.
Chris motion to reimburse Northstar for FY 2020 $3090.56
Ed asked if it can be broken down, itemized, to avoid run-on sentences with numbers. He said it would be easier with columns, subtotals etc.
Motion approved unanimously
FY 2021: $419.88
Chris said that it appears she (Northstar) notes discrepancies. He asked Nadine who works on it, the accounting department? Nadine said, yes. Chris said it appears Northstar is mixing years. He said they invited her to attend this call and the previous call, but she hasn’t participated.
The correspondence included various places where Northstar says they were erroneously invoiced by Sky Ranch.
Nadine recommended more research as she pulled up a spreadsheet that is completely different than what is in the email. She said she will pursue it with accounting. Chris said they really needed to have accounting prepared for this.
Chris recommended that they approve $419.88 as requested by Northstar, and they can resolve it later if the accounting department finds an error.
Ed reiterated the need for a spreadsheet that has columns, totals, etc.
Nadine said $2117 is owed by Northstar according to a spreadsheet, but Northstar says there are discrepancies.
Unanimously approved $419.88 reimbursement to Northstar.
Chris said accounting needs to review, they can do a quick meeting to review/approve.
Chris asked Nadine if the 2023-2024 cost share budget had been sent to Northstar. Nadine said if she hasn’t, she will.
Chris and Ed will work on it. Nadine will pursue it with the accounting department.
Landscape Improvement
Chris said he has been concerned that they have been upping their game for the service contract. More work is performed when the HOA interacts with them. He pointed out that there is mulch lacking near the monument. HOA only recently learned that the 4G controllers had been received. Chris said they need to be more proactive. Chris said greenscape is dying due to malfunctioning irrigation, and shouldn’t the 4G controllers should provide insight. Chris said the irrigation should be getting tested.
Chris mentioned the West side of Graves, City could care less [sic], and it has boiled over to the park. He said he doesn’t think they service the side slopes at all.
Ed would like the landscapers to blow the sidewalks by the park. He noted that the City is responsible, but it looks bad.
Next Board Meeting not set
Adjourned 6:13pm