Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 08-24-2023

HOA Meeting Notes 08-24-2023 3:06pm

Meeting conducted via teleconference (WebEx)

Directors Present: Chris Andre, David Samo, Ed Wenz

Directors Absent: Dave Quinsey

FirstService Residential

Nadine Bell - Community Manager

HOA Lawyer: Carrie Heieck, Tinnelly Law


Management Reports

Work Order Report

Landscape Walkthrough/Punchlist

Storm Water Inspection Reports

No discussion


Homeowner #1

She said it looks like the border wall is being discussed, and she asked when it will be completed. Ed responded, eight weeks.

She said that she understands that you are volunteers and that the current time works for you. Perhaps we could compromise and start meetings at 4:30pm. She has talked to some neighbors who agree.

Homeowner #2

He said three trees (Mirador) that failed years ago were recently replaced. He thanked Nadine for taking action that prior managers did not.

He said that two and a half months ago the board acknowledged the abysmal HOA landscape just off the intersection of Calico and Sevilla. It looks the same, but now weeds are growing. The board suggested that something be proposed to address it. Has anything been done? It is FMZ.

He said that given the length of time to approve tree trimmers (one year) and build the block wall on Claret, the board should focus on landscape, especially fire related issues. The CC&Rs mandate landscape maintenance, especially the FMZs for fire prevention, but there is no requirement for security. If you don’t have time to address the landscape, you don’t have time for other things. He said that FMZ, including an emergency access road, has not been maintained properly.

He said he has no strong opinion about security cameras, but homeowners should be aware that video might be sought in subpoenas.


Attorney: HOA can’t comment on the allegations of Homeowner #2 because of litigation except to say that the HOA is complying with the Governing Documents.


Approval of Minutes July 2023

Financial Statements

Approved without discussion


Block Wall Project Update

Ed presented.

Ed had met with Jack Rush, proposal dated 7-19-2023, $47,863.50 $2000 less than the 2nd bidder. Single source responsibility e.g. dirt removal, irrigation, vegetation setup. The proposal includes rock removal if necessary. Modifications caused delays. Motion to approve O’Connell proposal.

Unanimously approved

Flock Camera Discussion

Chris presented.

Entry/exit cameras near Sky Ranch monument LPR license plate readers with signage for deterrence. Cameras would record plates entering and exiting. Only the Sheriff would access the cameras for crime. Flock has arrangements with law enforcement agencies. It would not be for homeowners or directors to access. It doesn’t take away responsibility for homeowners for their own lots, as stated in the CC&Rs. He then talked about the role of the security patrol. He opened the discussion up for homeowner feedback.

Homeowner #3: It would be helpful for capture of catalytic converter thieves. She is in favor.

Homeowner #1: Speaking for herself and her husband, definitely in favor.

Homeowner #2: Maybe they’ll leave the H alone and not camp at the monument. The flourish on the H is gone.

Dave Samo asked about other locations for cameras, though not directed at homes. For example, on Mariposa. Ed suggested one year trial and see how two cameras work. Chris said the contract is for two years but can be ended early.

Paige Hawk from Flock Safety attended. She provided an overview of their services. The HOA would own the footage, but allow law enforcement to access after an incident. Inbound and outbound will be recorded as someone might walk in and drive out. Data is retained 30 days. They handle cleaning and maintenance. They rarely have vandalism on cameras at this height. She said that if they don’t follow through during the 24 months then they take care of you. Chris said a prior representative told them they could cancel the contract after 12 months. Chris asked about the impact on insurance. He asked if homeowners ever litigated that security wasn’t effective. She said they haven’t had any such lawsuits or insurance issues.

Directors offered homeowners a chance to ask questions.

Homeowner #2: Clarify, can the HOA cancel? She said that the contract can be terminated by the HOA. She said it hasn’t happened.

Homeowner #2: Will the Sheriff have ongoing access or with permission after an incident? She said that the HOA determines that. Chris said their method will be to allow only the Sheriff to have access.

Chris asked about newer cameras that may become available. She said that during the contract the cameras will be upgraded.

Dave Samo asked if they work as well at night. She said yes, including bumper stickers, window stickers etc.

$4750 sparrow bundle with discount for having both cameras at one location. $6050 installation

$10,800 total for two years.

Equivalent to $2.15 per house per month.

If approved today, it could be installed in six weeks. After September it will be six to ten weeks due to increased business at that time.

Chris motion to approve the Flock Safety contract and installation for two years $10,800, plus tax. No special assessment is necessary. $6050 paid initially which includes installation and service, the rest due later. A security policy and notification will be sent to homeowners.

Approved unanimously.

There was additional brief discussion about the placement of signs. For example, placement on No Parking signs probably needs City approval.


2023-2024 Annual Budget Approval

Assessment increase 9.03% to 297.20 per month.

Chris cited inflation including contract fees e.g. landscape, legal, property management. Nadine added storm drain maintenance. Water use increased. He hopes that the new 4G controllers might help with the cost. Nadine cited the annual tree maintenance. Chris added social committee increase.

Samo said the landscape is a large portion of the fees. Have we checked to compare if the price we’re paying is appropriate. He said O’Connell is doing a great job and the community hasn’t looked any better, but we should compare prices. Ed said, if we use a subcontractor to get a bid, we might not get another bid. Ed said that if this were a consideration, we needed to do this earlier in the process, not when approving the budget. Chris said that O’Connell noticed an increase. Samo said they should have O’Connell provide a statement of work to compare to other contractors. Chris said that we already have a contract and scope of work. Nadine shared her experiences with other communities and vendors, and none of the outside vendors provided a better deal than the current contractor. Samo asked how it could possibly hurt us to get another quote. Nadine reiterated what Ed said. Nadine said her other concern might be an underbid, but then charge for extras.

<Dave Samo continued. I didn’t attempt to write everything he said.>

Ed said that they have compared prices in the past, and he isn’t opposed to do it, but not while approving the budget. Ed suggested that Samo might want to take on the project if he wants to do another comparison. He said that he and others have spent a lot of time on the HOA projects. He said Dave Samo and others could get on the landscape committee and work on it. Samo repeated that over time prices should be compared. Ed said that he supports his efforts. Ed said he has a limited amount of time. He said that getting the entire project specified for bids is a lot of work.

Nadine said we are at 2 hours and 23 minutes of meetings. <4:23 pm>

Approved unanimously. Samo paused to respond. He said, he didn’t want his comments neglected. Chris described the reason that they switched to O’Connell. He said that he didn’t disagree with Samo.

Nadine said that she has a big network of landscapers to pull bids from.

Budget is effective October 1.

Merrill Lynch Recommendation (for CDs)

Two CDs expiring soon.

Chris abstained. Dave Quinsey wasn’t present so they didn’t have enough directors to vote, so it was tabled unless he returns. <It was unclear what they meant by “return” as he wasn’t at this meeting.>

O’Connell Brow Ditch Quote

$2200 to make a report.

Ed said that he had asked for safety items to be included but they are unclear <Location I believe>.

Approved unanimously.

Reserve Study Draft Approval

Ed pointed out that they didn’t have a copy, and neither did Nadine. Ed said that if they get the document earlier the directors can read it before the meeting.

Nadine asked for additional items for the next agenda.

Next Board Meeting 09-28-2023

Annual Meeting still in the process, perhaps early December.

Samo asked Chris if they could meet about the trash cans. Chris agreed. He said that based on his conversation with the contractor they could simply provide a photo of the locations.

Adjourned 4:39,

The executive session will resume.