Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 12-19-2018

HOA Meeting Notes 12-19-2018

Directors Present: Dave Quinsey (lead in Scott's absence), Chris Andre, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright

Directors Absent: Scott Kiefner

FirstService Residential, Richard Ford, Senior Community Manager


Design Guidelines Proposal (rule changes):

Rule changes conflict with CC&Rs which control. Design Guidelines allow 45 days to review submittals. CC&Rs say failure to approve or disapprove within 30 days is deemed denied.

Design Guidelines say variance requests for design provisions. CC&Rs say variances are for architectural provisions.

Pepper trees are prohibited within 50ft of homes per City code, yet aren't mentioned in Design Guidelines.

HOA collected no fines in FY2018 (per FirstService) and there are no court cases against violators to collect fines. Congratulations to the board for achieving their goal of ending HOA enforcement.

Legal scorecard update:

People HOA backed: two petitions for restraining orders denied; one ordered to pay legal fees; one settled to pay legal fees; restitution ordered for vandalism committed by one of them; ordered to pay damages in two defamation cases

Homeowners: Granted one restraining order; received the vandalism restitution; legal fees ordered and paid to homeowners; awarded monetary judgements in 2 defamation cases.


Financial Review is not ready.

Northstar and Sky Ranch Cost Sharing Budget: tabled in Scott's absence.

Fence Maintenance Correspondence: Last meeting it was resolved that the HOA is responsible for some exterior fence on slopes. BRM estimate: $20.95 per linear foot to clean and stain. Dave said the fence can be replaced for $20-$30 per foot based on his research. They may get more estimates. Ed suggested seeking volume discount. He asked if they have reserve for maintenance. Dave said they have reserve funds for replacement. To calculate the funds the reserve analyst would need specific information e.g. amount of fence, duration, frequency of work. Ed will gather the information.

Postal Box Relocation

Tabled because Sue, homeowner working on the issue, isn't present. Tom said that the Postal Service says every person who uses the box must approve. Postal Service won't pay for the relocation.

Homeowner slope landscaping request, Ocotillo area: Common area slope drainage ran over the homeowner lot. She sent a photo of roots causing the problem. Dave said the HOA shouldn't be responsible for removing tree roots. Lennar planted it. They are getting a legal opinion.

Homeowner Correspondence: Homeowner wrote about the lack of color coding of the recent proposal. Color coding had been used in the first proposal to show changes. Dave asked if it needs to be identical to the published copy which would preclude color coding. Ford said that the previous copy was color coded, and this second draft which was not color coded is also valid.

No other items in correspondence discussed.