Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 09-23-2021
HOA Meeting Notes 09-23-2021.
Annual meeting
Directors prohibited recording the meeting.
<Note: It was very difficult to hear some of the speakers, especially Valencia McCartney. It was also difficult to determine the participants, and some of the information was difficult to capture and it was only possible when it happened to be repeated. Much of the material was presented rapidly and there was little, if anything, that could be considered discussion. It was a series of announcements except they did vote to approve the Consent Calendar and the landscape installation. I believe outside the agenda they discussed the community manager and that email would be sent to homeowners.>
Started 6:04 pm
Directors Present: Scott Kiefner, Dave Quinsey, Chris Andre, Ed Wenz,
Directors Not Present: Tom Wright
FirstService Residential: Valencia McCartney, Community Manager
Maria from Ballot Box
105 ballots needed for quorum
63 ballots received
Reduced quorum for next election is 53 ballots. The annual meeting will be reconvened for it.
The board previously told the Ballot Box contractor that they would like to schedule the next meeting for the continuation of the election/Annual Meeting.
Adjourn 6:13 pm
Open Meeting 6:13 pm
They announced quotes for landscape proposals.
Scott did landscape walks with landscapers. He identified areas that need attention.
$11,710. It will be funded through reserves e.g. replanting
#675: Vegetation & mulch at the top of Mariposa; Tacoma; 40 different plants
676: Marioposa—mulch on the slope
677: Mara Villa, similar to Jacaranda plantings elsewhere <I didn’t capture the limited information>
678: Planter at Castilla : large wood chips similar to nearby home
679: Mulch across from the park
Monticello: plant Jacaranda
681: Mulch at the end of Calico
683: Bella Vista at Iris: Jacaranda
684: Mirador: additional mulch on the right side
680: Claret: Add cobble. Scott said that people have been on it, though they shouldn’t. The HOA hopes to discourage people from using the area. Add some plants
Quinsey asked if these proposals were requirements by the City. Scott said they handled those in Executive Session. These are beautification and pro-active proposals, though some were suggested by the City.
Wenz first, Quinsey 2nd, approved unanimously
Valencia said that each homeowner would be allowed three minutes to speak.
Board asked the teleconference attendee if she had a comment, and she said she didn’t. Valencia said that she could send an email if she had something to discuss. She said that she did send an email, but didn’t get a response.
Another homeowner thanked the board for their work. Ed Wenz said that they have room on the committees. Homeowner joked that his connection was faltering.
Homeowner thanked the board for having this meeting at 6pm. She said it makes it easier for working people to attend. She asked if some work was included in the proposals. From Claret to Dracena, there is old straw wattle that has deteriorated in place <homeowner asked about it in previous meetings>. She asked if the were they going to address it. Scott said they will look at it on the next walk.
Homeowner asked for clarification of the attendees, including Maria <unknown last name> of Ballot Box.
At the last meeting Ian Navarro of First Service said he would ask Richard Ford why homeowners on hold for the meeting weren’t told the meeting was canceled. He said we have not received a response. He said the board still never explained why they didn’t send an email to advise homeowners that the meeting was canceled at the last minute.
He asked on what grounds did the board meet with the company “Ballot Box” in private rather than in the open meeting. He pointed out that they had discussed the ballots in private as they already planned to reconvene and schedule the next meeting due to the lack of ballots.
He went over ballot statements:
In 2021 and 2019, Chris Andre mentioned bare areas in the landscape. There was no improvement in two years until the City fined the HOA repeatedly, and a homeowner sued the HOA.
Dave Quinsey criticizes the landscape contractor in 2021
Dave Quinsey criticizes the contractor in 2021, yet Chris Andre complained about the same thing two years earlier.
Tom Wright 2021, in part, blames the landscape deficiencies as “the personnel problems of Covid.” The HOA has no personnel. Was the HOA paying people to stay home? Is there a safer job during a pandemic than outdoor landscaping? It’s a performance based contract anyway. If the landscaper was underperforming our fees should have been reduced.
In 2019, Tom Wright said that “Our new landscaper is finally getting a handle on the looks of the community.”
Dave Quinsey uses the COVID excuse for landscape and meetings. The board managed several executive session meetings, while at the same time canceling open meetings and failing to schedule them. Why? Particularly when meetings were done remotely.
Consent Calendar 6:34 pm
Financial statements
Lien <I couldn’t hear the amount>
Items A through E
Approved unanimously
Tax Returns were filed timely for 2020.
Landscape installation, two pool installation applications were sent to architect (Lightfoot). Scott explained some of the process to Valencia of FirstService. He said that after the architect review the plans, they go to the Design Review Committee (DRC). He said that they only go to the board if there is a variance request.
Wenz added that anything related to a stand-alone solar system goes directly to the DRC. Scott said to call Ed with questions.
Valencia said the meeting was quick and easy.
Scott thanked homeowners for joining the call. Scott said there was little participation during the evening meetings so they moved it to the afternoon. They will continue to “play with it.”