Personal Notes, HOA meeting 11-18-2021

HOA Meeting Notes 11-18-2021

Meeting conducted via teleconference (Zoom)


Directors Present: Scott Kiefner, Dave Quinsey, Chris Andre, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright

FirstService Residential:

Ian Navarro, Regional Director

Nadine Bell, Community Manager

<Note: Despite a request, the HOA declined to state who was present so attendance is based on observation of the video and names listed in the Zoom application.>


Management Report

Work Order Report

Landscape Walkthrough

No discussion of reports, all approved unanimously.


Do you have an update on the Claret Dracena hill? Scott said no, they have to look at it. Scott said that they are aware of it. He asked if kids were near it because they shouldn’t be. She said that it’s not just the plant material. Straw wattle continues to migrate. The bark mulch is now on the sidewalk. Rebar was not bent over, but sticks up and may hurt someone. Rusty metal rebar like that is dangerous. Scott said the slope was “on his radar” but not the rebar. Some of the old rebar is there, but has been covered. Ian Navarro said that they had a person injured by that rebar in another community, and said they can submit an order to the landscape contractor.

Calico Street rebar punji sticks.

Homeowner said we’re always told we’ll get an explanation, but there is never follow-up. We have not been told why neither FirstService nor the Board ensures that an email is sent to homeowners when meetings are canceled at the last minute, as happened in July. Homeowners are needlessly left waiting for meetings to start though the meetings are abandoned at the last minute.

Expect you will continue to hide information from the homeowners.

We still await the result of the settlement with Lennar after you sued them.

Homeowner said we’re always told we’ll get an explanation, but there is never follow-up. We have not been told why neither FirstService nor the Board send an email to homeowners when meetings are canceled at the last minute, as happened in July. Homeowners are needlessly left waiting for meetings to start though the meetings are abandoned at the last minute.

We expect you will continue to hide information from the homeowners.

We still await the result of the settlement with Lennar after you sued them.

You won’t disclose that the City issued another Notice To Comply (pdf) to the HOA (Or as Scott is fond of saying, to the “homeowners.”)

It takes more than leaf blowers to maintain landscape.

He said, I imagine you aren’t going to disclose the barren slope with capped sprinklers.

You won’t explain that the City compels you to fix the sprinklers and install plants on the slope. I assume you aren’t going to explain the cost of that and whether you will extract the money from a homeowner if they caused the damage (cleared slope, capped sprinklers).

You won’t disclose that your landscape contractor wrote a letter to the City, with your knowledge, stating that capped sprinkler heads had been fixed, and that brush clearing had been completed. Imagine what the City staff thought when months later they found capped sprinklers and brush. <Note: Below see the excerpt from July letter, followed by photos taken in October showing that sprinklers remain capped, some land is barren, and brush remains.>

October 24, 2021, capped sprinklers and barren slope in Fuel Modification Zone 1.



CONSENT CALENDAR: No discussion. Approved Unanimously

Landscape Enhancement Proposals

Claret: #76, #80, #81, landscape proposals pulled because of homeowner complaints about the proposed rocks.

Ed wants to view the Claret slope and is concerned about the issues that could happen if kids were on the proposed rocks. <Below is some of the damage on Claret caused by kids. The landscape proposals were to fix the damage and prevent a recurrence, but homeowners complained about the proposals, so the board canceled them.>

2:49 pm

Dec 2nd, Holiday Lighting

$1526.25 shared with Northstar

Approved unanimously.

Social Committee Charter

Ian Navarro mentioned a sample charter in the board’s document. One year term. Members serve at the pleasure of the board. It should include a liaison to the board, event planning, and submission to the board, follow up reports and receipts.

Ian said they need to vote to approve a charter, approve a committee, approve appointments.

Chris recommended that they change the title in the sample charter which says Events Committee.

Ed asked whether the method of providing funds should be added to the sample charter.

Ian said other communities used a debit card assigned to one person using money from a petty cash fund. Scott said that they already do that.

Chris says that Janet transferred control of the debit card

The sample charter was approved unanimously with the name change.


Julie B. <Note: last name redacted.>

Amber is the treasurer

Other names were not provided.

Scott said the fall festival went very well.

Unanimously approved the current group, with Julie taking the place of Janet who moved out of the community.

<Comment: Ian rattled off the full names too fast to note.>

Nicole, Ashley,…

Chris Andre will be the liaison

Scott said he is reluctant to use last names.

Ian said it is public and in an open meeting. <Note: This website usually excludes homeowner names to the extent possible.>



Morella area. Guards have not been very effective. Scott said he has encouraged homeowners to call the Sheriff. A temporary fence installed by Lennar is often pulled down. They need to keep cars from pulling into the area.

Protec proposal for removable bollards will prevent cars from pulling into the area. $1900

Ed: Asked if the company saw the diagram of the layout? Will they be yellow? No parking signs? He was trying to understand the “scope of the work.” Scott said the color was not stated, but they can check and specify a color. Scott says signage was not included in the proposal. Ed said the color should be the same as the current poles. He said that they should be lockable. Scott said he will add it.

Tom said it has gotten worse rather than better, and he doesn’t see many security incidents logged. There is a lot of smoking and needles have been found. Tom says the parking is an issue. Scott agreed and said that if people park below and have to walk up there they might be reluctant, but if it doesn’t work they can remove the bollards.

Dave suggested that Ed take the lead on placement.

Approved unanimously as amended to color yellow and lockable.

Chris said the patrol is constantly removing people. He expects that people will park further away and walk up there, but it is an added deterrent.

Dave Quinsey said that it would be helpful if the City put signs on Mariposa indicating no parking. Scott says the area below is no parking. Then Scott said the area is designated no parking.

Scott asked if someone would approach the City. Ed volunteered to meet with the City and determine if fire department would need access e.g. locks; And Ed wants to confirm the parking sign issue. Mariposa is a City street, but Morella isn’t. Scott said the bollard will prevent parking on the private street.



Scott said they previously voted to table the issue.

Sara from the camera company joined the meeting.

Chris mentioned car break-ins and package theft. He says cameras at the entrance would be a deterrent. Now using intermittent patrol and on-demand (non-emergency, non-911).

Sara Stanzler presentation:

Flock Safety

Cameras are solar powered, wireless. Maintenance, support, and replacement is included.

Much crime is unsolved. Police say the most effective evidence is the license plate of the vehicle. It attaches to a name, address, and it is objective. People are often unidentifiable in video. Case example of mail theft was presented. She presented an example of how a vehicle can be identified by characteristics “vehicle fingerprint” which would narrow the list of possible suspects. Homeowners with privacy concerns could have their vehicle excluded from the data. The board determines who has access. Every request for data is logged.

Chris: Do you have any communities where only the police can access the information?

Sara: She said that communities do that, but it might not be written into policy.

Chris: Community Manager access?

Sara: Your choice. Access can be changed e.g. revoked

Ed: Mounting? Poles?

Sara: 12 ft poles and signs provided. Starts with site survey before installation.

Chris: Have communities tracked down non-residents in illicit activity? Our community has information from Security service.

Sara: Yes the information can help track down culprits.

Standard $5000 per year, $200 per camera x 2 cameras = $5400.

Two year agreement, but it can be canceled with pro-rated refund. Price of returning equipment up to $500 per camera.

Chris: What is and isn’t covered?

Sara: Vandalism isn’t covered. $150 per camera. She’s never had a California community have the issue, and they have 3500 communities.

Poles 14 feet: 2 ft below ground, 12 ft above ground

It is never installed without valid solar and cell service.

Battery lasts for one week. During install they get an automated alert about lack of service/power.

Chris: Minimum usage before requesting refund?

Sara: You can cancel at any time. See She showed the website page with the refund policy.

Chris: We are now paying $1600 per month for intermittent patrol. Previously it was $5k (?) for regular patrol.

Chris: Move forward

Tom: I’d be willing to try it on Morella, or by Chris to see how it works. Not willing to put it on the hill to capture everyone entering.

Sara explained that the entrance is the critical location and homeowners can opt out.

Tom said that we have privacy issues and he’s not comfortable with his license plate being recorded.

Dave: Postpone until next meeting.

Ed: Wants further discussion.

No one seconded the proposal by Chris to move forward. The motion fails.

Scott suggested that we consider cost sharing with Northstar, or moving the cameras up the hill. Scott is not happy with Bravo Three and perhaps we cut that expense to pay for the cameras.

Dave: It sounds like we need more discussion.

Sara left the meeting with the thanks of the board. She provided an email address but I didn’t catch it.

<Note: A less secretive HOA put the information online, including details about how to attend the meeting: >


Scott wants to have a discussion of the cameras and Bravo Three at another meeting. Scott believes that security is more the responsibility of individual homeowners. He said he and Tom are concerned about privacy. Tom and Chris agreed to talk “offline.” Chris suggested a poll of the community. Chris mentioned the money they spend “on landscape and everything else.” Scott reminded that only two board members should discuss it otherwise it will constitute a board meeting.

Ian asked if the discussion of the patrol contract should be discussed in Executive Session. Scott said, yes. Chris asked that anyone taking notes not publicize the amount being paid for security. <Note: Contract negotiation may be kept private, but the price we pay is supposed to be available, so the price for security is not being redacted in these notes.>

Ian reiterated that it is illegal to record the meeting.

Thursday December 16, 2:30pm, it will be posted and sent as required.

Adjourned 3:55pm

HOA Meeting Canceled Again

The October 21 HOA meeting was canceled, again.  The meeting was to be conducted via teleconference, but the HOA never provided the call-in information.  Days earlier an HOA director posted photos of the agenda in a Facebook group and said that we should receive an email.  The email was never sent.  The day before the meeting I replied to his post and said that the call-in information was missing.  I also sent an email that day to First Service, the property management company.  They also failed to respond.  

The next day, hours after the meeting was supposed to be held, the property management company sent an email (excerpt below).  First Service says that they didn’t realize the issue until they observed that no one was attending the meeting.  They claim that despite my email to First Service, my post to Facebook, and that every board member should have noticed that they didn’t receive the announcement email as promised. 

The agendas were all posted on Friday, but we do not add the call in information to keep  non-residents from obtaining the information and calling in. 

The moment we realized that no one was on the call, other than the Board, I searched the Communications system and it only showed the reconvened Annual Meeting on October 14th as being sent out to the residents.  We did not continue on with the meetings and no decisions were made. 

Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 10-14-2021

HOA Meeting Notes 10-14-2021.

Annual meeting reconvene 

<This continuation occurred because insufficient ballots were received for the meeting.  The threshold was automatically lowered for the following meeting.  Therefore, the HOA had to pay the contractors again to appear for this continuation.>

<They started speaking before they engaged the video conference on Zoom, so I missed something, but I don’t know if it was significant.  I determined the attendees by the list in Zoom and by noting who spoke at the meeting.  Only through the Zoom list could I determine the last name of the inspector.>

Started 4:03 pm 

Directors Present:  Dave Quinsey, Chris Andre, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright? (“tom w” appeared as a name in the Zoom list, but any text can be entered in that field.)

Directors Not Present:  Scott Kiefner,

FirstService Residential:  Valencia McCartney, Community Manager

Maria Neuzil, Inspector of Elections, Ballot Box.

Needed 53 ballots to resume the meeting and 68 ballots were received.

Maria asked if there were any nominations from the floor, but there were none.

Chris asked about our lack of ability to view the counting over video conference.  Maria said that they were in compliance.  She pointed out that people are not allowed to get close to them when they count votes in person.

Chris Andre 69

Scott Kiefner 77

Dave Quinsey 69

Ed Wenz 46

Tom Wright 59


Mike Long 5

Dave Samoa (sp?) <hard to hear the last name>  5

Mike Root 5

Minutes approved

Approve 62

Disapprove   1

Blank   1

IRS rule

Yes 66

No 1

Blank 1

Adjourned 4:36 pm

Organizational meeting followed by Open Meeting October 21, 2:30pm

Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 09-23-2021

HOA Meeting Notes 09-23-2021.

Annual meeting

Directors prohibited recording the meeting.

 <Note:  It was very difficult to hear some of the speakers, especially Valencia McCartney.  It was also difficult to determine the participants, and some of the information was difficult to capture and it was only possible when it happened to be repeated.  Much of the material was presented rapidly and there was little, if anything, that could be considered discussion.  It was a series of announcements except they did vote to approve the Consent Calendar and the landscape installation.  I believe outside the agenda they discussed the community manager and that email would be sent to homeowners.>


Started 6:04 pm

Directors Present: Scott Kiefner, Dave Quinsey, Chris Andre, Ed Wenz,

Directors Not Present:  Tom Wright

FirstService Residential:  Valencia McCartney, Community Manager

Maria from Ballot Box 

105 ballots needed for quorum

63 ballots received

Reduced quorum for next election is 53 ballots.  The annual meeting will be reconvened for it.

The board previously told the Ballot Box contractor that they would like to schedule the next meeting for the continuation of the election/Annual Meeting. 

Adjourn 6:13 pm


Open Meeting 6:13 pm

They announced quotes for landscape proposals. 

Scott did landscape walks with landscapers.  He identified areas that need attention.

$11,710. It will be funded through reserves e.g. replanting

#675:  Vegetation & mulch at the top of Mariposa; Tacoma; 40 different plants

676:  Marioposa—mulch on the slope

677:  Mara Villa, similar to Jacaranda plantings elsewhere <I didn’t capture the limited information>

678: Planter at Castilla :  large wood chips similar to nearby home

679: Mulch across from the park

Monticello:  plant Jacaranda

681: Mulch at the end of Calico

683: Bella Vista at Iris:  Jacaranda

684: Mirador:  additional mulch on the right side

680: Claret: Add cobble. Scott said that people have been on it, though they shouldn’t.  The HOA hopes to discourage people from using the area.  Add some plants

Claret Street

Claret Street

Quinsey asked if these proposals were requirements by the City. Scott said they handled those in Executive Session. These are beautification and pro-active proposals, though some were suggested by the City.

Wenz first, Quinsey 2nd, approved unanimously


Valencia said that each homeowner would be allowed three minutes to speak.

Board asked the teleconference attendee if she had a comment, and she said she didn’t. Valencia said that she could send an email if she had something to discuss. She said that she did send an email, but didn’t get a response.

Another homeowner thanked the board for their work. Ed Wenz said that they have room on the committees. Homeowner joked that his connection was faltering.

Homeowner thanked the board for having this meeting at 6pm. She said it makes it easier for working people to attend. She asked if some work was included in the proposals. From Claret to Dracena, there is old straw wattle that has deteriorated in place <homeowner asked about it in previous meetings>. She asked if the were they going to address it. Scott said they will look at it on the next walk.

Homeowner asked for clarification of the attendees, including Maria <unknown last name> of Ballot Box.

At the last meeting Ian Navarro of First Service said he would ask Richard Ford why homeowners on hold for the meeting weren’t told the meeting was canceled. He said we have not received a response. He said the board still never explained why they didn’t send an email to advise homeowners that the meeting was canceled at the last minute.

He asked on what grounds did the board meet with the company “Ballot Box” in private rather than in the open meeting. He pointed out that they had discussed the ballots in private as they already planned to reconvene and schedule the next meeting due to the lack of ballots.

He went over ballot statements:

In 2021 and 2019, Chris Andre mentioned bare areas in the landscape. There was no improvement in two years until the City fined the HOA repeatedly, and a homeowner sued the HOA.

Chris Andre 2021

Chris Andre 2021

Chris Andre 2019

Chris Andre 2019

Dave Quinsey criticizes the landscape contractor in 2021

Dave Quinsey 2021

Dave Quinsey 2021

Dave Quinsey criticizes the contractor in 2021, yet Chris Andre complained about the same thing two years earlier.

Chris Andre 2019

Chris Andre 2019

Tom Wright 2021, in part, blames the landscape deficiencies as “the personnel problems of Covid.” The HOA has no personnel. Was the HOA paying people to stay home? Is there a safer job during a pandemic than outdoor landscaping? It’s a performance based contract anyway. If the landscaper was underperforming our fees should have been reduced.

Tom Wright 2021

Tom Wright 2021

In 2019, Tom Wright said that “Our new landscaper is finally getting a handle on the looks of the community.”

Tom Wright 2019

Tom Wright 2019

Dave Quinsey uses the COVID excuse for landscape and meetings. The board managed several executive session meetings, while at the same time canceling open meetings and failing to schedule them. Why? Particularly when meetings were done remotely.

Dave Quinsey 2021

Dave Quinsey 2021


Consent Calendar 6:34 pm

Financial statements

Lien <I couldn’t hear the amount>

Items A through E

Approved unanimously

Tax Returns were filed timely for 2020.

Landscape installation, two pool installation applications were sent to architect (Lightfoot). Scott explained some of the process to Valencia of FirstService. He said that after the architect review the plans, they go to the Design Review Committee (DRC). He said that they only go to the board if there is a variance request.

Wenz added that anything related to a stand-alone solar system goes directly to the DRC. Scott said to call Ed with questions.

Valencia said the meeting was quick and easy.

Scott thanked homeowners for joining the call. Scott said there was little participation during the evening meetings so they moved it to the afternoon. They will continue to “play with it.”

Personal Notes, HOA Special Open Session Meeting 08-30-2021

HOA Meeting Notes 08-30-2021.

Special Open Session

Started 2:06 pm 

Directors Present: Scott Kiefner, Dave Quinsey, Chris Andre (via phone in car), Ed Wenz

Directors Not Present:  Tom Wright

FirstService Residential Regional Director Ian Navarro

Navarro said that no executive meeting was held before this meeting so no disclosure was necessary.


Homeowner said that WebEx for the meeting seems better.

Homeowner got an email about a manager leaving but didn’t get an email announcing this meeting.  Some other homeowners got the meeting announcement, others didn’t.  Several email  sent to FirstService, including Navarro, got no response.  Email to Phyllis also went unanswered.  Navarro said to check your email preferences on the web site.  Homeowner said he received the cancelation email that was sent the following day. 

The last open meeting, held immediately after the executive meeting, was canceled with no notice.  No one waited online to inform attendees. No one with information was immediately available at FirstService.  No one sent an email to inform homeowners.  Everyone on the board was aware because they didn’t receive such an email.  Navarro said he’d check with Richard Ford.

This was at least the third time a meeting has been canceled at the last minute with no notice.  Homeowner had previously rearranged a work schedule, rushed home, walked to the club house, only to find a note on the door that the meeting had been canceled.  That should have never happened again.  It is inconsiderate and rude.  The day following the last canceled meeting, FirstService sent an email saying the meeting was canceled due to “technical challenges.”  That’s not true.  They held the executive meeting via teleconference, but canceled the open meeting that immediately followed. 

Homeowner said that it is good to see landscape on the agenda, but too bad it took city fines and a lawsuit to do it.

Navarro asked if the homeowner had a question.  Homeowner responded, “Why don’t you immediately send an email when a meeting is canceled at the last minute?”  Scott said he wouldn’t answer questions because the homeowner has sued.  Navarro said the homeowner’s three minutes were expired.

Claret looks better, soil, sprinkling of bark.  Neighbor complaining about flies.  Sloped area needs to be secured with a retaining wall.  An old dirty roll of straw wattle was simply left in place.  Neighbor kids playing increase the erosion, slope is steep, and the mulch goes over the sidewalk.  The homeowner said she has mentioned it before.  They built a retaining wall around the mailbox so apparently it is needed in the adjacent area too.


2021-2022 Draft Budget Review and Action:

The budget was mentioned but there was very little discussion.  Navarro said something about 80% budget.  The homeowner assessment will increase to $232.45, effective October 1st.  The board voted unanimously to approve.  Navarro said that they would be able to get the notice out in time.

Common Area Landscape Update

Certain slopes and areas have been addressed.  Scott said that it will look a little nicer at the entry and there is more to come.  More erosion control will be installed for the rainy season.  Scott said he has been communicating with the city.  Scott said that he had been on recent landscape walks.  They are getting bids for additional work. 

Ian Navarro said he will have additional information about a new manager.

Adjourned 2:21pm

Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 06-17-2021

HOA Meeting Notes 06-17-2021.



Directors Present: Scott Kiefner, Dave Quinsey, Chris Andre, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright


FirstService Residential, Richard Ford, Senior Community Manager


Richard Ford said the homeowners would have five minutes to speak.

 Homeowner objected that when several homeowners are present for the meeting, the board allows 5 minutes per speaker, but when there are very few homeowners, such as just himself and another person, as at the prior meeting, they limit it to 3 minutes.  He said they are intentionally limiting his time when others don’t attend.  He said it should be the opposite, that is, time should be limited when there are more people, not when there are fewer people.  Richard Ford apologized about his memory and about the time allowed.  He offered to limit the time to 3 minutes.  The homeowner said it is a pattern of discrimination.  Quinsey spoke but was interrupted.

 Homeowner continued: 

Landscape is not on the agenda, again.

 What is the result of the lawsuit by the HOA against Lennar?

 The installation of new plants is good.  They should not have waited until the heat of June.  Homeowner again volunteered to speak to the landscaper since the board doesn’t know or isn’t concerned about the issues.  He said he showed some issues to the landscapers.

 Some violations have been reduced such as RVs and commercial vehicles.  He said it was a good tactic.  He noted that the HOA should’ve addressed the violation when Andre moved his fence over the slope easement.  It created a number of issues such as HOA irrigation inside a homeowner’s fence; landscaper unwilling to work inside the homeowner’s fence; homeowners are restricted from entering slope easements so how can it be maintained?  Andre interrupted and said the homeowner committed slander.  He said he moved the fence six years ago.




No discussion of consent calendar items.


A thru E  approved unanimously.




No item to discuss.



Architectural Modification Status

Homeowner on Monticello appealed the denial of design plans.

Ed:  Handled by architect, plans declined, DRC there hasn’t been any garage door modifications for reference.  All glass garage door wouldn’t fit in.  Glass panels at the top can allow light in.  The architect was right that it wouldn’t fit in with the aesthetics.

Guidelines ask for earth tone colors.  He is asking for a bronze color door.  Why can’t he have bronze color for trim for windows, doors (sliding and front), and garage door.  Scott said he understood, and the concern is that it is a modern design that doesn’t fit the rest of the community.  The material is the primary issue, not the bronze trim.  Homeowner says that the architect told him to use a white color.  Ed says he will check with the architect regarding the color, which he left up to the architect to determine the appropriateness.  Ed says the concern is using an all glass garage door.  Homeowner says the door is more expensive and is an upgrade.  Ed says, if it doesn’t fit in the community, it doesn’t work.  He says the cost isn’t the issue.  He says the amount of glass is the issue.  Only one panel across the top is permitted.  An all glass door would allow excess light through the door.  Ed says most communities have the same types of door.  Ed says he will check with the architect about the color and refer it to the entire Design Review Committee.  The homeowner says this has been going on since February.  Ed says he understands that he had to resubmit the plans a total of three times.  Scott mentioned bronze vs clear windows with white trim throughout the house, though only some of it has been approved.  Homeowner said only the color of the trim has been contested.  Ed asked, and the windows are clear.  Ed looked at the submittal and says they are dark bronze trim window.  Ed said that he went with the decision of the architect.  Scott asked for additional feedback.  Tom said he needs to look at the community before he makes a decision.  Homeowner asked if frosted glass would be OK, but Ed said that too much glass wouldn’t fit in with the community.  Ed said only the top panel can be glass.  He mentioned an alternative of some glass panels in front of the door surface.  Ed said that the architect handled it because it is complex.  (Dave and Chris did not comment).  Scott:  architect says window trim and garage door won’t fit in, and is a radical departure.


Ed deny based on what is submitted,—unanimously denied the appeal of the windows and the garage door.  Homeowner asked exactly what was approved and denied.  Scott said that he didn’t have the architects denial in front of him.  Scott said he doesn’t know what was approved, but he will clarify.  Richard said that he doesn’t have the approval/denial on hand.  Richard says he will have the architect’s letter sent to the homeowner, and he will send a copy to the DRC, and Scott requested a copy.  Homeowner said his windows are approved by the architect, but he was only contesting the requirement for white trim.  Ed said if the windows are approved, the homeowner should resubmit plans for the door.  Homeowner asked for clarification on the approval of the windows.  Ed said he would take the lead and include the DRC as well as talk to the architect. 



Homeowner 3001 Calico.  Requested that the HOA add a retaining wall to stabilize the slope by his house. 

Scott:  Jack from O’connell landscape to look at it.

Homeowner said you can’t miss it as you drive up the hill.  It’s on the side of the hill.  It is undermining the pavers at his house.

Richard said they will be in touch with the homeowner.

Ed asked about the area affected.  The homeowner says there is a lack of landscape to hold the ground.  He said it impacts the area by the metal and the wood fence.


Homeowner:  Drain/swale issue.

Scott:  Will give update for plans for repair by Lennar.  He says the swale on the front side of the home is reportedly causing standing water.  He said some of it is a City issue, and he will followup to ensure it is referred to the City.

She is still asking for the mailbox to be removed.  It was denied years ago, as Scott recalled.  Ed asked Richard to look up what the board decided previously.  Richard will check, but he recalled that it was a City issue, and it needed 100% homeowner concurrence.  Tom recalled that the Postal Service asked the mail carrier what they wanted, and followed that recommendation.  Chris commented that sorting order was an issue.  Scott said that Lennar moved one set of boxes at the request of the USPS.


Street issues: Ford thinks they need to be directed to the City

Parking at Morella.  Scott: It is still being worked


2021-2022 Annual Operating Budget

Richard Ford said that he will work with Dave Q. to fill in the information.  Dave asked when Richard sent it.  Richard said he will check.  Dave said that the spreadsheet didn’t allow data input.  Richard said they also sent a pdf, though he will double check.  The employee who handled the documents is no longer working for the agency.  Richard confirmed that he sent it on June 3rd, but will send it again.


Next Meeting, Thursday, July 15, 2:30pm.

Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 05-20-2021

HOA Meeting Notes 05-20-2021, 2:30 pm.

Meeting conducted via teleconference (Zoom)

Directors Present: Scott Kiefner, Dave Quinsey, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright

Absent: Chris Andre

Three homeowners attending

FirstService Residential, Richard Ford, Senior Community Manager

Board did not consent for the meeting to be recorded.


Management packet now includes page numbers throughout.

Landscape walkthrough punch list. Lots of information in the packet (none discussed in the meeting).

BRM Report: Scott asked that information be turned over to the new person responsible. Ford said that they were already informed. Ed asked about the quote he requested regarding bollards. Ford said it is covered in the correspondence section.

Tom said homeowners are submitting plans that aren’t getting to the Design Review Committee. Example, April 27, homeowner submitted plans, but Ed Wenz didn’t receive them. Ford asked to talk about it in Executive session. Scott mentioned the volume of plans is much lower than when the community was newer.


Ford limited comments to three minutes and said he was using a timer to ensure compliance.

Homeowner complained that only three people are present <and only two spoke>, yet NOW you limit the time to three minutes rather than five minutes.

Landscape is a disaster by the homeowner's house and elsewhere. Irrigation heads are broken, buried, laying on the ground, and covered or blocked by brush. Cactus in the Mirador cul-de-sac is dying. If the landscaper applied herbicide incorrectly, it might explain why the trees there look unhealthy. <herbicide, mealy bug, fungus killing cactus?>

A meeting hadn't been held in a year, yet meetings are required to be held quarterly. See CC&Rs 6.9 and Bylaws 7.7. Decisions must be made in board meetings. Executive session is for formation and negotiation of contracts, not all contract matters. If the board discusses a contractor, it must be done in an Open meeting e.g. a discussion of FirstService performance.

It is a fallacy that those who disagree with the HOA only criticize. Homeowner said that when they asked for volunteers he walked the brow ditches noting deficiencies regarding Lennar. He said he volunteered for the Design Review Committee and landscape plans were approved in a timely fashion then, whereas now homeowners have lost their contractors while waiting for months. He read the following from HOA minutes from a meeting on October 8, 2014:

Board removed all volunteers from the Design Review Committee, October 8, 2014.

Board removed all volunteers from the Design Review Committee, October 8, 2014.

The board is disconnected. At the last meeting they didn't know that trash pickup was included in the landscape contract despite it being discussed at several meetings. A board member didn't have the landscape contract, yet, the homeowner has a copy of the contract." Landscape is not even on the agenda. A broken irrigation pipe took five days to fix despite an emergency call to FirstService and an email to Ford.

A year and a half after the lawsuit with Lennar was settled, and the board won't tell us the result.

Many new residents. Janet greets them, Facebook page (shows them?). At the last meeting the board said they can’t use funds to purchase wine or plants. Homeowners are now funding it, especially Kyle Whissel. Any suggestions from the board? Ford said that for the board to respond it needs to be part of the official agenda. He told her to send him an email. They typically spending $8 -$10 per each new homeowner. Scott said he’ll chip in and contact her offline. He said that it isn't a big deal, but is a nice gesture that means a lot. Tom offered to contribute as well.



Minutes and financial statements approved <2:52 pm>

Invoice Ratifications:

$1242.96 lights

$2000 Bravo Three blocked area due to riots.

Approved unanimously <2:54pm>

Ed interjected with issues navigating the board packet pdf file.

Acme July 4th, 2021, proposal $2300. Approved. Dave Q counted as abstained. He had been talking about unrelated matters and was encouraged to mute his microphone. He didn't unmute the mic to vote on this proposal. <2:58 pm>


Architectural modification status—no items

Board and Committee Lists <3:00 pm>

Does any committee need Cindy who volunteered? Nothing. Committee leads can contact Cindy and explain it to her if they need help.

Correspondence <3:01 pm>

Several pieces of correspondence regarding landscape, but they were not discussed in the meeting.

Morella off Mariposa where the custom lots are located. Received complaints e.g. smoking, drinking. Ed said they need bollards to prevent cars from moving past the sidewalk and parking. Additionally, removing the fence would make it look better. Scott said moving the fence might allow more foot traffic, so he wouldn’t want to remove it. Ford says that it is Lennar property. Tom said there has been more police presence, some of the traffic has moved to Ocotillo. We are just moving them around. Ed mentioned community involvement and they need people to call attention. Scott said the law enforcement is more effective than Bravo Three, and Bravo Three should call them. Scott said Ford should contact Lennar. Ed suggested that we ask Lennar to fund installation of bollards, or allow the HOA to do it. Will get BRM to get an estimate to present to Lennar. Ford said that there are issues with the HOA funding work on property that doesn’t belong to the HOA. Ford will get one bid for the discussion with Lennar. Follow up with additional bids if Lennar is amenable. Ford said this is a special project that will be an additional cost and FirstService would have to bill them. Ed said that he will get the bid. Tom asked how much FirstService saves by meetings by video conference. Ford said the HOA has saved money by not paying for mileage.

Tom said companies saved money during COVID and then penny pinch. This sounds like penny pinching. Ford said that he was abiding by the contract that has been in effect for years. Ed said he shares the same concerns as Tom. <3:15 pm>

Correspondence about a request for a type of plant to be installed. Have Ford forward it to landscaper for comment. Scott said that it needs to blend in with the current palate. <3:16 pm>

Shared Use Area

Northstar owes Sky Ranch $800

Approved cost sharing with Northstar, approved <3:17 pm> Dave listed as abstain because he was muted again and didn’t respond.


FirstService Financial Investment Recommendations

Recommend moving everything to FFI. Ford said money markets and other investments have changing rates. The packet includes a snapshot of that moment in time. Do you want to move everything over to something new, though it is a subsidiary of FirstService? You have a comfort level with Merrill Lynch. Scott asked if anyone was interested in moving the money. Ed said he has no opinion. Scott and Tom said the money should stay with Merrill Lynch. Board decided not to move the money.

Adjourned <3:22 pm>

Next meeting Thursday, June 17th, at 2:30 pm

Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 03-18-2021

HOA Meeting Notes 03-18-2021

Meeting conducted via teleconference (Zoom)

Directors Present: Scott Kiefner, Dave Quinsey, Chris Andre, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright

FirstService Residential, Richard Ford, Senior Community Manager

Board did not consent for the meeting to be recorded.


Reports: Pages 1-63

Landscape “stuff with sprinklers” fence repairs on Ocotillo pg 12 -34

BravoThree: email

Landscape reports 35-39


Can you share information regarding litigation with Lennar? What is the timeline for repairs? Why no meeting for over a year?

—Scott: Litigation completed, timeline not set. Hired a company to give them a plan. Plan to execute on landscape and irrigation first. The board had conflicts getting a meeting together. The business of the board still continued. Richard handled concerns. Not able to coordinate and put together a meeting. COVID pandemic mentioned. It should get back to normal.

Homeowner said she sent multiple email, but no (or little response) from management company. <Ford responded but it was unclear what he meant and some words were hard to hear.>

Homeowner: “Parking illegally,” hanging out, and trash. Address with security, lights, trash cans.

Landscape looks very bad.

Scott: Working on it. “Stuff with the City, working with.” Lawsuit and pandemic challenges. Homeowner: Let us know if we can help (e.g. errands, phone calls) not just complain and Facebook fights. e.g.

Scott: Send Richard Ford your get your contact information.

Ed: We could use the help on a committee.

Homeowner said that she didn’t understand the answer regarding the lack of meetings. She noted lack of communication. All despite technology.

Scott: Thank you

Homeowner: What’s the timeline for transferring streets to City?

Scott: He alerted the City to deficiencies, e.g. sidewalks raising. The issues don’t involve the HOA. It’s between the City and Lennar. No timeline.

Lennar had a claim on funds, $500k, they put in HOA reserve. Status? Do we have to pay it back?

Scott: It was part of the lawsuit. No money sent. He believes it was resolved.

Ed: What is the difference when the City takes over the streets?

Scott: City rather than Lennar would have to pay for sidewalks and streets. Police will have more enforcement authority.

Homeowner: Concerns about the streets, “kids up here” and trash.

Scott: Homeowner sent a letter that will be discussed. HOA has limited control. Call Sheriff re: illegal activity. Will discuss Bravo Three.

There is trash on banks, can the landscape contractor pick it up?

Scott: Where?


Scott: Will tell landscaper.

Chris: said we can call Bravo Three 619-xxx-xxxx for dispatch which is nearby. <Phone number redacted. Direct message via Twitter or Facebook if you don’t have it.>

Tom said said he hasn’t seen Bravo Three recently.

Chris discussed Bravo Three patrols.

Homeowner: Thanks to homeowners who are picking up trash.

Christmas lights are still up. What is the time limit for them?

Ed: Blurring line between holiday lights and landscape lights. Unclear where it stands.

Chris: 14 days for removal of holiday decorations

Homeowner: Some lights are obviously Christmas e.g. stars. Just wanted to confirm that there is a limit, not looking to be the neighborhood narc.

Ford said they sent reminders to some homeowners, excluding landscape lights

Social committee has run out of funds used for wine for new homeowners.

Chris suggested that they avoid buying alcohol.

Scott and Chris recommended using donations.

Ed asked Dave Quinsey if the landscaper is supposed to pick up trash.

Ford: “Absolutely”

Dave said that he’d check. He asked Ed to send him a copy of the landscape contract. <This is the scope of work from the landscape contract (.pdf). Below is an an excerpt from the contract regarding trash.>

Trash in contract.JPG

Homeowner: Why weren’t agendas posted properly and who is responsible for posting them?

Dave said he was responsible. He said something about missing email.

Why hasn’t the HOA informed homeowners about violation notices they received from the City?

Scott: Our attorney says that your questions should be routed through your attorney.

Why are you approving landscape proposals outside of Open Meetings?

Scott: Go through your attorney

Are you doing anything regarding the delays in processing homeowner landscape plans?

Scott: “I have the same answer.”

Irrigation is not running on Lot L, is malfunctioning on the slope next to us, and was running in the rain. Are you working on that?

Scott: Same answer. I’m making notes, but no comment.

Why didn’t you inform anyone that the HOA assumed responsibility for Lot L?

Scott: Same answer.

Private secret meetings violate the law and our Governing Documents.

Do you regret dumping volunteers when you first took over the board in the recall?

What’s the status of the proposal to irrigate the property on Graves across from the apartments?

Homeowner: Lives on Ocotillo. Neighbor saw kids building a bonfire near Morella trailhead. Requested more patrols from the Sheriff in person, got documents regarding a neighborhood watch. Offered to help HOA. Park: Requested brush maintenance from City and maintenance on the sign. Did the HOA do anything?

Ford said it isn’t an HOA matter. He hasn’t received requests but would refer them to the City. He mentioned Cecilia Tipton.

Ford said that he understands that Neighborhood Watch is usually done between residents and the gov’t, not the HOA.

Homeowner: He walks every night between 9pm and midnight. His concern, Castilla cul-de-sac look-out spot, & Morella, every night parking, smoking marijuana, drinking. Matter of time before there is an accident. Once a car sped off when he was there and nearly hit another car. Morella has become a parking lot. Why not move the fence to avoid creating a parking lot? At Castilla there is a hedge, but it has a break. Plant hedge to obstruct the view from the street, but not blocking homeowner view.

Dave: Morella fence—Lennar still owns it everything there. Someone should contact them.

Ed: Put removable bollards there to prevent parking.

Chris: There are bollards at the trailhead, so similar at the street would be good. Call Bravo Three 619-xxx-xxxx for non-emergency, call Sheriff for crime. <Phone number redacted. Direct message via Twitter or Facebook if you don’t have it.>

Homeowner says that the Sheriff wants homeowners to call them for illegal activity. Frequently they are drinking alcohol and smoking pot, so he calls the Sheriff approx 2 times per week. He sees them drinking beer and throwing the cans.



Item B Election and Enforcement Rule Revisions, sent to homeowners Jan 25th. For example, homeowners who are delinquent can run for office. If any homeowner has questions you can ask now. Approved unanimously.

Homeowner: Procedure question. Why is this topic opened for comment, when normally homeowners only speak during Homeowner Forum? How will we know when we will have the opportunity to speak on topics?

Ford: State law requires that rule revisions are opened for comment.

Representative for camera company Flock Safety. Nancy, San Diego representative.

They focus on vehicle recognition. Their goal is to identify criminal type behavior and give information to law enforcement. She gave an example of a crime not prosecuted because they didn’t have the license plate information. Then she gave an example where a vehicle plate was provided that allowed law enforcement to pursue it.

Falcon, license plate reader, solar powered, wireless LTE, license plate, make, model etc. Residency safe list toggle in search. HOA would have access, or it could be some board members, or none.

Transforming hours of data into investigative data. Break ins, vehicle theft, amber alerts, porch pirates etc. She gave examples of community successes reducing crime rates e.g. 60%.

Ed: How is camera protected?

Nancy: It is on a 12 ft poles. Only 7 ever vandalized. First is replaced free.

Chris: How long to install?

Nancy: 5-7 weeks. Involves site survey and checking LTE signal

Chris said a trial installation is possible since wires aren’t required

Scott: Mentioned challenges involving the privacy of the information

Chris said they could make it so only law enforcement has access.

Ford recommended input from counsel

Scott asked for cameras to be placed on the agenda, also issues with Bravo Three given complaints heard during the meeting.

CONSENT CALENDAR <started 3:50pm>

Minutes approved unanimously

Items B-M, financial statements, approved unanimously <3:52pm>

Item N Reserve Study, approved unanimously <3:53pm>

Item O, P, & Q, Budget, Delinquency Policy, Financial Review approved unanimously <3:55pm>

Item R, CD maturing. Merrill Lynch proposals. Approved unanimously except Chris abstained <3:56pm>

Item S Petty cash & Social Committee expense card. Approved unanimously <3:57pm>

Item T Cost sharing with NorthStar. Approved unanimously <3:58pm>

Item U Financial reveiw, pulled item, waiting for attorney review

Item V, Ballot Box Election Inspector proposal, Approved unanimously <4:00pm>

New Business

Architectural Modification Status—no items

Homeowner Correspondence

Cars parking, drug sales, trash. Scott said they handled the issues in the meeting. Ford said that they would refer homeowner to law enforcement

Homeowner complained about someone living near the water tower.

Homeowner complaint about water being turned off.

Board and Committee Lists

Cindy said in the meeting she might want to be involved, so reach out to her to possibly assign her to a committee.

Adjourned 4:05 pm

Next meeting Thursday, April 15, probably the same time

Scott counted 10 homeowners. He said normally one or two show up. He thinks the new time and format may work better.

HOA Antics Agenda Notification

No response yet from the HOA regarding the improperly noticed meeting. However, sometime today, Monday, someone posted the agenda (top photo). But we took the photo below at 9:31 am showing that the agenda had not been posted. The agenda should have been posted on Sunday. If the HOA holds the meeting it will be in violation of the Open Meetings Act, and every vote by the board will have to be redone at a properly noticed meeting. It’s not complicated, but we need an HOA that really wants people to attend, and a board and management company that pays attention to routine detail.


Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 02-19-2020

HOA Meeting Notes 02-19-2020.

 Directors Present: Scott Kiefner, Dave Quinsey, Chris Andre, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright

 FirstService Residential, Richard Ford, Senior Community Manager; and Chelsey Chapman


 Homeowner asked:

What is the plan to maintain the fuel modification zone (FMZ) on the slope by our house?

--HOA refused to respond.

When will the irrigation be resumed on the slope by our house?

-- HOA refused to respond.

Since the landscape contract includes maintenance for the slope, is there any reason that they don’t work on the slope?

-- HOA refused to respond.

Is Northstar or Sky Ranch responsible for the prohibited pepper tree in FMZ area by Calico?

-- HOA refused to respond.


Homeowner said he sent email to FirstService asking about citations/fines paid by the HOA to the City but received no response despite the legal obligation of the HOA to provide financial information. 

Homeowner showed information that he received from the City that said that the HOA has been fined at least two more times.  They failed to respond to the first notice of violation, so a second fine was issued.

 Homeowner asked who is responsible for failing to respond to the City.  Is it the HOA or FirstService?

--HOA refused to answer the question.

Homeowner said that the HOA doesn’t communicate with homeowners and doesn’t communicate with the City, and it costs us.

Homeowner read from the City notice of violation which included comments about the condition of landscape in the drainage basin.  Homeowner recommended that the HOA advise the community members who are recreating in the drainage basins and damaging the landscape.

Notice of Violation and fines to the HOA by the City (pdf).


 No discussion of consent calendar items.

 Fence maintenance correspondence.  Discussed it immediately before the meeting.  Had to use the solid color stain rather than the more transparent look.  Samples on Cala Lily and Claret.  Using transparent stain results in more inconsistent view given weathering, sun etc.  Revised proposal total $13,533.  Approved unanimously.

 Cost sharing:  NorthStar (condos) has further questions.  Scott has a meeting with them March 5.

 No variance requests.

 Homeowner correspondence: 

-Request on status of fence project.  No discussion.

 Vendor correspondence:

-Request for additional Lantana

-Additional color and vegetation on Bella Vista & Claret

-Agave on Mariposa

-More color at the monument

All approved unanimously except the monument which was tabled

 They are currently removing some irrigation at the end of Ocotillo and replacing it with drip

 AMS 2020 Price Change Implementation

Intent to lien and other price increases.

Increased cost approved unanimously

 California Consumer Privacy Act:  apparently a statement within the director’s documents about how FirstService is complying and not overly sharing information.

 Security Camera discussion.

 <HOA asked that some information such as cost and camera capability be redacted to avoid harming contract negotiations, therefore some information below has been redacted. If you would like that information, please contact me directly.>

 $xx,000 - $xx,000 for cameras, vendor California Gate

 A new company Flock Safety is providing stand alone cameras, using solar and cell technology, rather than wired.  $x000 per year per camera and pole.  They require a 2 year contract.  $xx00 per 6 ft poles, 14 ft poles cost $xx0 extra install fee.    Two poles, ingress and egress, might be sufficient.  They will photograph the entire car including make, model, color, license plate number.  FirstService asked if they could guarantee that they capture plates.  Chris said they are xxxxp resolution and will capture plates.  Vandalism coverage is included for the camera, but Chris will confirm.  It stores data up to 30 days.  They would need to determine who gets access to the imagery.  It can be arranged so that the vender directly supplies the information to the police.  FirstService recommends that the HOA create a camera policy if they were to get cameras.  Scott prefers one camera rather than two.  Tom asked, for example, if there was a break-in would they look at every car in a time period.  Scott pointed out that homeowners have cameras, and Chris said homeowners might be able to supply the make or color of the car.

Scott’s opposition is privacy.  Tom says the rules could change under another board.

Chapman mentions the importance of the HOA being able to confirm that the system is working.   Chris agreed, he said for example, they didn’t know that the irrigation smart controllers weren’t working.  Ed agreed that verification is needed.  Verification is not part of the FirstService contract.

Tom asked what we are trying to prevent?  What are we trying to accomplish?  Scott mentioned the porch pirate issues.  Tom said it is a homeowner issue.  Scott says homeowners cameras don’t capture plates.  Tom says his cameras capture plates.  Dave asked their evidentiary value.  Scott said that law enforcement personnel say that they are very helpful.  Tom said the plate capture is like big brother.  Chris mentioned the prevalence of cameras.  Chris said homeowner camera resolutions are too low.  Tom said it would be an attempt to resolve a problem that the homeowners can address.  Richard said SDPD won’t pursue if it is less than a felony, though Sheriff may be different.  Chelsea said they need to tell homeowners that cameras aren’t a guarantee of safety. 

 Ed, asked about the neighborhood watch?  Chris said that it hasn’t worked.  Ed says the technology is changing fast so maybe move slowly.

 Scott said a short contract is attractive.

 Tabled the camera issue until the next meeting.  Chris will provide additional information for the board packet.

 No prospective date and location for the next meeting.

Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 01-15-2020


HOA Meeting Notes 01-15-2020.


Directors Present: Scott Kiefner, Dave Quinsey, Chris Andre, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright


Directors Absent:  Ed Wenz


FirstService Residential, Richard Ford, Senior Community Manager; and Chelsey Chapman

The board started the open meeting while homeowners waited outside to be allowed inside.


The board has not told the truth about enforcement.  For example, their statements about the pool slide to the roof, Director Andre’s fence relocation over the slope easement etc. 

Years ago the driveway of a home on Mirador was expanded in violation of the rules.  The house is for sale and that issue should be passed to the new owner. 

The fuel modification zone on of the perimeter of the development is designed for fire safety.  City code mandates “…irrigated and maintained ornamental planting.  This vegetation should be kept in a well-irrigated condition and cleared of dead material.  This area requires year-round maintenance.”  CC&Rs 4.1.1 states that the HOA has a duty to maintain the landscape.  The fuel modification zones by the homeowner’s house is not irrigated or maintained.  Zone 1 goes up the slope which is largely abandoned.

Fuel Modification CCRs.JPG



Ed available by phone to discuss the fence maintenance staining project.  Need to get started again now that weather cleared.  Errors because wrong color was used.  Corrections will be necessary.  Ed will advise them of the proper color.  It is hard to get a uniform color when restaining.  Some areas were not properly prepared.  The darker than appropriate color that was applied is now difficult to correct.  A more opaque color may need to be applied.  The fences will not be completely consistently colored.  Prefer wood color to orange, therefore go with more transparent application.


Rules governing when plans are sent to the reviewing architect:  Something got missed “with the new gal.”  It wouldn’t have happened with the person before, “things would have moved forward” with the previous “gal.”  Chapman said they need responses to their reports when they send them to the board before they can move forward.

 No variance requests.

 Homeowner may bring a variance request for their backyard.  <Details not discussed in the meeting.>

 Shared Cost Budget submitted to Northstar.  They have questions which will be fielded by management.

 Homeowner correspondence 80 - 84.  Yard sale question.  The address was in NorthStar.  They will send a note to the homeowner.  They asked a question about fence maintenance project. 

 Straw waddles need to be purchased.  $3380

Approved unanimously

 Enhancements:  Additional plants on Ocotillo, Claret, $3082

Approved unanimously

  $2000 per month budget for enhancements

 Security Camera discussion:  tabled

 Board Committee Lists:  No discussion.  Directors were told to look at the documents in their packets.

 Next meeting February 19.

Personal Notes, HOA Meeting 10-16-2019

HOA Meeting Notes 10-16-2019; 6:30 pm

Directors Present: Scott Kiefner, Dave Quinsey, Chris Andre, Ed Wenz, Tom Wright

Directors Absent:  Tom Wright

FirstService Residential, Richard Ford, Senior Community Manager; and Chelsey Chapman

Officer positions, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director at Large unanimously voted to remain the same



 A fence was repaired

Morella fence was repaired as well

The vendor has not been providing reports.  There has been correspondence.

Taking too long to get enhancements proposals for the agenda.  Chapman asked if they want additional reports.  It must be provided to Ford a week in advance to make the agenda.  Ford said that the landscaper provided their latest proposals today, which is too late for them to be addressed in this meeting.


Homeowner asked that the HOA approve solar plans faster than the 90 days timeline.  They may miss out on the tax credit for 2019.    Chapman said it could take up to 90 days, but it should not.  HOA cited different fee amounts e.g. 150, then 175, then 300.  Sedona HOA—told to make check out to.  As a new owner it was confusing and it wasn’t spelled out.  Chapman said that they have a new associate, so it will be smoother going forward.  Wenz said that he sent an email today explaining the process to Ford and Chapman. 


Form regarding expenses with social committee given to Chapman.


HOA bills are being sent to the previous owners new address and the mix up has been resolved.



Landscape problems were reported, but remain unchanged.  Tissues the homeowner placed on sprinkler heads proves that they aren’t running.


At the last meeting the board approved reimbursement of funds without receipts.  Recommend requiring receipts and only do business with vendors that provide receipts.  Honest businesses provide receipts, and it lessens the likelihood of paying to employ illegal aliens.


In legal disputes the HOA supported homeowners by allowing them to bring non-homeowners to an HOA meeting to serve legal documents against other homeowners, in violation of the board’s own policy.  In one set of disputes, in response to homeowners reporting RV violations, the violators made false statements that photos were taken of their children.

The homeowner gave a final rundown of the legal proceedings and will post a signed statement by Shauna J. admitting what happened.  She also deleted the defamatory Facebook posts.  All of the actions below went against the violators:

2 judgements for defamation.

1 court order for attorney fees

1 settlement for attorney fees

1 restraining order, still in effect

1 charge for vandalism

1 court ordered restitution

Shauna statement.JPG


Consent Calendar:  Approval of minutes, Financial Statement:  All approved without discussion.  Lien Approval tabled

Fence maintenance correspondence:

They start tomorrow with power washing

In a private matter, power washing went through a fence and damaged pavers.  Vendor should be aware that given the condition of some fences it can lead to the water going through more easily.

Cost sharing budget near completion.  The last item is insurance.

Homeowner Correspondence:  Directors told to read correspondence.  Dave said there was an item, but Scott said they put the item in vendor correspondence.

Homeowner wrote that gophers came to his yard from open space and wants them addressed.  HOA unable to do anything as it is conservation property.


BMR proposal needed additional information for a new water pump.  There is an area where there is a smaller water line leading into a larger water line.  They are providing a proposal for $7500 to run electrical lines for the pump, but the pump will be an additional cost.   HOA will request additional information before approving the expense.

Storm water runoff, correspondence from the City.  BRM has been doing storm water service for the HOA.  City says they will need specialists in the future.  City will approve work already completed by BRM.  BRM isn’t qualified, per the City, e.g.  need the correct training and equipment.  BRM suggested some causes be addressed e.g. Bougainvillea debris.  Given the runoff it appears it will be an ongoing issue and the City will monitoring.

Review of rules governing when plans are to be sent to the reviewing architect:  Directors not prepared to discuss it so the issue is being tabled.  Ed discussed it briefly with Chapman.  Scott said there has been turnover of personnel at FirstService, and the service should improve.

Color scheme adjustments considerations:  FirstService will contact Lennar regarding color schemes.  There is a scheme.  Changes would have to be approved by the Design Review Committee.

Committee assignments and oversight.  Not discussed openly.  Directors referred to their documents and advised to check their lists to ensure committee members are still involved, haven’t moved away, etc.


Meeting adjourned 7:11 pm.